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EMERSON PR6424 011-140传感器

  • EMERSON PR6424 011-140传感器
  • EMERSON PR6424 011-140传感器
  • EMERSON PR6424 011-140传感器

EMERSON PR6424 011-140传感器 是一款高性能的传感器,主要用于测量和监控工业过程中的各种物理参数。 

EMERSON PR6424 011-140传感器  详情介绍:

Emerson PR6424 011-140 是一款高性能的传感器,主要用于测量和监控工业过程中的各种物理参数。该传感器属于 Emerson 的 PR6424 系列,广泛应用于自动化、过程控制和仪表测量等领域。以下是该传感器的主要特性、功能和应用领域:


  1. 高精度:PR6424 011-140 提供高精度的测量,能够精确检测和记录被测物理量的变化。

  2. 广泛的测量范围:该传感器支持多种测量范围和参数,能够适应不同的应用需求。

  3. 耐用性:设计上具有高耐用性,能够在严苛的工业环境中稳定工作。

  4. 兼容性:与各种工业自动化系统和控制器兼容,能够方便地集成到现有系统中。

  5. 稳定性:提供稳定的测量结果,减少漂移和误差,提高测量的可靠性。


  • 物理量测量:能够测量多种物理量,如压力、温度、位移等,根据不同的应用场景进行选择。

  • 数据传输:支持多种数据传输方式,将测量结果实时传输至控制系统或监控设备。

  • 实时监控:提供实时的测量数据和状态监控,帮助用户了解过程状态并及时做出调整。

  • 系统集成:能够与各种工业自动化系统进行集成,实现数据的有效管理和控制。

  • 数据记录:记录测量数据和历史信息,支持后续分析和报告生成。


  1. 工业自动化:在自动化控制系统中监测和测量关键参数,如压力、温度、流量等。

  2. 过程控制:用于化工、石油、天然气等过程控制领域,确保生产过程的稳定性和安全性。

  3. 制造业:在制造过程中测量和监控设备状态,优化生产效率和产品质量。

  4. 能源管理:用于能源管理系统中的数据测量和监控,支持能源监测和优化。

  5. 建筑自动化:在建筑自动化系统中测量和控制环境参数,如温度、湿度等,提升建筑管理的效率。

EMERSON PR6424 011-140传感器 实物图片:


english introduction:

Emerson PR6424 011-140 is a high-performance sensor primarily used for measuring and monitoring various physical parameters in industrial processes. This sensor belongs to Emerson's PR6424 series and is widely used in fields such as automation, process control, and instrument measurement. The following are the main characteristics, functions, and application areas of the sensor:

Main characteristics

High precision: PR6424 011-140 provides high-precision measurements that can accurately detect and record changes in the measured physical quantity.

Wide measurement range: This sensor supports multiple measurement ranges and parameters, and can adapt to different application requirements.

Durability: Designed with high durability, it can work stably in harsh industrial environments.

Compatibility: Compatible with various industrial automation systems and controllers, and can be easily integrated into existing systems.

Stability: Provide stable measurement results, reduce drift and errors, and improve measurement reliability.


Physical quantity measurement: capable of measuring various physical quantities, such as pressure, temperature, displacement, etc., and selecting according to different application scenarios.

Data transmission: Supports multiple data transmission methods to transmit measurement results in real-time to the control system or monitoring equipment.

Real time monitoring: Provides real-time measurement data and status monitoring to help users understand the process status and make timely adjustments.

System integration: capable of integrating with various industrial automation systems to achieve effective management and control of data.

Data recording: Record measurement data and historical information, support subsequent analysis and report generation.

application area 

Industrial automation: Monitoring and measuring key parameters such as pressure, temperature, flow rate, etc. in automated control systems.

Process control: used in the fields of chemical, petroleum, natural gas and other process control to ensure the stability and safety of the production process.

Manufacturing: Measuring and monitoring equipment status during the manufacturing process to optimize production efficiency and product quality.

Energy Management: Used for data measurement and monitoring in energy management systems, supporting energy monitoring and optimization.

Building automation: Measuring and controlling environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, etc. in building automation systems to improve the efficiency of building management.

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+86 15270269218