

+86 15270269218

GE 369-HI-0-M-0-0电机管理继电器

  • GE 369-HI-0-M-0-0电机管理继电器
  • GE 369-HI-0-M-0-0电机管理继电器

GE 369-HI-0-M-0-0电机管理继电器具有通信接口,可以与其他设备或监控系统连接,以实现远程监测和控制。

GE 369-HI-0-M-0-0产品详情:

  1. 电动机保护:这个继电器主要用于保护电动机免受过载、短路、过热和不平衡电流等问题的影响。它能够监测电动机的电流、电压和温度,并触发保护操作以防止电动机损坏。

  2. 故障检测:369-HI-0-M-0-0继电器可以检测电动机运行中的故障,例如缺相、缺电压、过电流等,以提供及时的警报和保护。

  3. 通信接口:它通常具有通信接口,可以与其他设备或监控系统连接,以实现远程监测和控制。

  4. 参数设置:用户可以根据具体的电动机和应用需求,通过继电器的设置界面或软件进行参数设置,以配置保护参数和警报阈值。

  5. 报警和告警:369-HI-0-M-0-0继电器能够发出报警和告警,以通知操作人员电动机存在问题,需要采取措施。

  6. 记录功能:一些型号的继电器具有事件记录功能,可以记录电动机的运行状况和任何故障事件,以便进行故障诊断和维护。

  7. 可编程逻辑:它通常具有可编程逻辑控制功能,用户可以根据需要创建自定义的控制逻辑。

  8. 耐用性:GE的继电器通常设计成耐用且适用于恶劣的工业环境。

  9. 电源选项:一些型号支持多种电源电压,以适应不同的电源要求。

  10. 安全性:369-HI-0-M-0-0继电器通常支持安全功能,以确保操作人员和设备的安全。

GE 369-HI-0-M-0-0实物视频:

GE 369-HI-0-M-0-0实物拍摄图片:

369-HI-0-M-0-0 (5).jpg

GE 369-HI-0-M-0-0product details:

Motor protection: This relay is mainly used to protect the motor from problems such as overload, short circuit, overheating, and unbalanced current. It can monitor the current, voltage, and temperature of the motor and trigger protection operations to prevent motor damage.

Fault detection: The 369-HI-0-M-0-0 relay can detect faults during motor operation, such as phase loss, voltage loss, overcurrent, etc., to provide timely alarm and protection.

Communication interface: It usually has a communication interface that can be connected to other devices or monitoring systems for remote monitoring and control.

Parameter setting: Users can configure protection parameters and alarm thresholds through the relay setting interface or software based on specific motor and application requirements.

Alarm and alarm: The 369-HI-0-M-0-0 relay can issue an alarm and alarm to notify the operator that there is a problem with the motor and measures need to be taken.

Recording function: Some models of relays have event recording function, which can record the operating status of the motor and any fault events for fault diagnosis and maintenance.

Programmable logic: It usually has programmable logic control function, and users can create custom control logic according to their needs.

Durability: GE relays are typically designed to be durable and suitable for harsh industrial environments.

Power Options: Some models support multiple power voltages to adapt to different power requirements.

Safety: The 369-HI-0-M-0-0 relay typically supports safety functions to ensure the safety of operators and equipment.

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+86 15270269218