

+86 15270269218

GE UR8LH 可编程控制系统

  •  GE UR8LH  可编程控制系统
  •  GE UR8LH  可编程控制系统
  •  GE UR8LH  可编程控制系统
  •  GE UR8LH  可编程控制系统

 GE UR8LH  可编程控制系统  是一种用于在不同装备、体系或收集之间停止数据传输和通讯的装备。可以或许用于各种通讯运用,包含无线通讯、有线通讯、互联网衔接、传感器收集等。

以下是BENTLY 3500/64M 140734-05 数字量输入模块的产物先容:

GE UR8LH是一种否编程掌握体系,它是一种先进的电子安全掌握器,具备多功效和否设置装备摆设的个性。该体系能够用于监控大多数安全合闭,如机电合闭、安全光幕、电子安全传感器和编码磁传感器。该体系具备高达Cat.4/PLe的输出扩大、两个自力安全功效的监控以及双手掌握的监控。每个模块都能够整合为11种预设设置装备摆设中的一种,包含抉择复位类别、激活或禁用穿插线监控,以及抉择被监控的触点设置装备摆设。一旦转变到所需的设置装备摆设,表盘被一个透明的前盖伤害,不克不及进一步整合。此外,该体系还具备否装配的端子板,带有否定制的编码条。UR8LH的所有安全继电器模块否用于到达4类、切合ISO 13849 PLe尺度和切合IEC 61508 SIL 3尺度的运用中。

 GE UR8LH  可编程控制系统图片:

GE UR8LH(2).jpg

GE UR8LH(3).jpg

 GE UR8LH  可编程控制系统视频

The following is a product introduction of the BENTLY 3500/64M 140734-05 digital input module:

The GE UR8LH is an advanced electronic security controller with a programmable control system, which has the personality of multifunctional and configurable equipment. This system can be used to monitor most safety closures, such as electromechanical closures, safety light curtains, electronic safety sensors, and encoded magnetic sensors. This system has an output expansion of up to Cat.4/Ple, monitoring of two independent safety functions, and monitoring with both hands. Each module can be integrated into one of 11 preset equipment settings, including selecting reset categories, activating or disabling jumper monitoring, and selecting the monitored contact setting equipment settings. Once the required setup equipment is changed, the dial is damaged by a transparent front cover and cannot be further integrated. In addition, the system also has a terminal board for non assembly and a coding strip for customization. Are all safety relay modules of UR8LH used for applications that meet Class 4, ISO 13849 PLe scale, and IEC 61508 SIL 3 scale.

 GE UR8LH  可编程控制系统相关链接:

GE VMIACC-5595-208 350-805595-208J 电源模块

GE VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-74600调节器模块

ASML 4022.642.30251 Gear Assembly

GE IC687BEM731-AB communication control

R65GMNA-R2-NS-NV-00S32GNAA-RNVE-00T Series


+86 15270269218