

+86 15270269218


  • GE CM400RGICH1ACB 电路板模块
  • GE CM400RGICH1ACB 电路板模块
  • GE CM400RGICH1ACB 电路板模块

GE   CM400RGICH1ACB 电路板模块  是一款可编程逻辑控制器(PLC),属于GE的iFIX软件和硬件体系中的一种。它用于工业自动化和过程控制,可以用于监控、控制和优化各种工业设备和系统的运行。

GE   CM400RGICH1ACB 电路板模块  详情介绍:

  1. GE CM400RGICH1ACB电路板模块的特点主要包括:

  2. 通信能力:具有内置的以太网用户支持通信,支持SRTP和Modbus TCP/IP应用协议,为连接的系统提供实时链路。
  3. 可扩展性:拥有可扩展的处理能力,用户既可以创建满足当前需求的系统,也可以在将来创建更强大的系统,而无需更改软件。
  4. 运动控制支持:集成运动控制支持,适用于点对点应用中的高性能需求。
  5. 现场总线接口:提供多种现场总线接口,支持分布式控制和/或I/O,用户可以从各种易于安装和快速配置的现场总线接口模块中进行选择。
  6. 编程支持:可以通过Proficy Logic Developer PLC Machine Edition进行编程,并支持多种编程语言,如梯形图(LDI)、指令列表(IL)、结构文本(ST)和C块。
  7. 冗余和高可用性:具有冗余CPU和高可用性解决方案的电源,确保系统的连续运行和稳定性。
  8. 总的来说,GE CM400RGICH1ACB电路板模块是一款功能丰富、性能卓越的工业控制设备,能够满足各种复杂的工业自动化和过程控制需求。

GE   CM400RGICH1ACB 电路板模块    实物图片:


GE   CM400RGICH1ACB 电路板模块   实物视频

GE CM400RGICH1ACB circuit board module details introduction:

The characteristics of the GE CM400RGICH1ACB circuit board module mainly include:

Communication capability: Equipped with built-in Ethernet user support for communication, supporting SRTP and Modbus TCP/IP application protocols, providing real-time links for connected systems.

Scalability: With scalable processing capabilities, users can create systems that meet current needs or create more powerful systems in the future without the need for software changes.

Motion control support: Integrated motion control support, suitable for high-performance requirements in point-to-point applications.

Fieldbus Interface: Provides multiple fieldbus interfaces that support distributed control and/or I/O, allowing users to choose from a variety of easy to install and quickly configured fieldbus interface modules.

Programming support: Programming can be done through the Profile Logic Developer PLC Machine Edition and supports multiple programming languages such as ladder diagrams (LDI), instruction lists (IL), structured text (ST), and C blocks.

Redundancy and high availability: Power supplies with redundant CPUs and high availability solutions ensure continuous operation and stability of the system.

Overall, the GE CM400RGICH1ACB circuit board module is a functional and high-performance industrial control equipment that can meet various complex industrial automation and process control needs.

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CU833-002AMAT 0100-76290HESG223044R0001 PT8153B-E
PC843-XYZ-AAMAT 0100-02734HESG446212R0001] 70AA01A-E
PC843-001-TAMAT 0100-00455HESG447388R0001] 70AA02B-E
PC844-XYZ-FAMAT 0100-91040HESG447224R0002 70AB01C-ES
PCE845-XYZ-AAMAT 0100-00054HESG446933R0002 70AB02B-E


+86 15270269218