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  • IC697BEM733CPU控制器模块搭载高性能的处理器
  • IC697BEM733CPU控制器模块搭载高性能的处理器
  • IC697BEM733CPU控制器模块搭载高性能的处理器
  • IC697BEM733CPU控制器模块搭载高性能的处理器

GE IC697BEM733CPU控制器模块 是一款由GE Fanuc制造的电源设备,属于PACSystems RX3i系列。它主要提供稳定的电源供应,确保工业自动化系统的正常运行。

GE IC697BEM733CPU控制器模块  详情介绍:

  1. IC695PSA040工业电源模块是一款由GE Fanuc制造的电源设备,属于PACSystems RX3i系列。它主要提供稳定的电源供应,确保工业自动化系统的正常运行。以下是关于IC695PSA040工业电源模块的一些详细信息和特点:

  2. 电源类型与功率:IC695PSA040是一款RX3i系列的40瓦电源模块,能够为系统提供稳定的电力支持。
  3. 输入电压范围:该模块支持广泛的输入电压范围,包括85至264 VAC或100 VDC至300 VDC,以适应不同的工业环境和电源需求。
  4. 输出电压与类型:IC695PSA040提供三种输出电压类型,包括+5.1 VDC、+24 VDC继电器输出(用于继电器输出模块上的电源电路)以及+3.3 VDC(仅用于内部订货号为IC695的RX3i模块)。
  5. 接线与安装:每个接线端子可以接受14 AWG至22 AWG的电线,每个端子的电流限制为6安培。在PACSystems RX3i(订货号为IC695)的通用背板中,只能安装一个IC695PSA040电源模块,它占用两个插槽。
  6. 应用场景:由于IC695PSA040电源模块的高可靠性和稳定性,它广泛应用于工业自动化系统中,为PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)、传感器、执行器等设备提供电力支持。
  7. 冗余与扩展性:虽然IC695PSA040在冗余或增加容量模式下不能与其他RX3i电源一起使用,但它可以通过菊花链方式连接最多4个PSA040电源模块,以提供额外的电力支持。
  8. 总的来说,IC695PSA040工业电源模块是一款功能强大、可靠性高的电源设备,能够满足工业自动化系统对电力供应的需求。

GE IC697BEM733CPU控制器模块   实物图片:


GE IC697BEM733CPU控制器模块  实物视频

GE IC697BEM733CPU controller module details introduction:

The IC695PSA040 industrial power module is a power supply device manufactured by GE Fanuc and belongs to the PACSystems RX3i series. It mainly provides a stable power supply to ensure the normal operation of industrial automation systems. Here are some detailed information and features about the IC695PSA040 industrial power supply module:

Power type and power: IC695PSA040 is a 40W power module of the RX3i series, which can provide stable power support for the system.

Input voltage range: This module supports a wide range of input voltages, including 85 to 264 VAC or 100 VDC to 300 VDC, to adapt to different industrial environments and power requirements.

Output voltage and type: IC695PSA040 offers three types of output voltage, including+5.1 VDC,+24 VDC relay output (for power circuits on relay output modules), and+3.3 VDC (only for internal order number IC695 RX3i modules).

Wiring and installation: Each wiring terminal can accept wires ranging from 14 AWG to 22 AWG, with a current limit of 6 amperes per terminal. In the universal backplane of PACSystems RX3i (order number IC695), only one IC695PSA040 power module can be installed, which occupies two slots.

Application scenario: Due to the high reliability and stability of the IC695PSA040 power module, it is widely used in industrial automation systems to provide power support for devices such as PLCs (programmable logic controllers), sensors, and actuators.

Redundancy and Scalability: Although IC695PSA040 cannot be used with other RX3i power supplies in redundant or increased capacity mode, it can be daisy chained to connect up to four PSA040 power modules to provide additional power support.

Overall, the IC695PSA040 industrial power supply module is a powerful and highly reliable power equipment that can meet the power supply needs of industrial automation systems.

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+86 15270269218