

+86 15270269218

Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块

  • Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块
  • Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块
  • Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块
  • Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块

Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块

Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块产品视频:

Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块产品实物图片:

IS420YAICS1B  (2).jpg

IS420YAICS1B  (1).jpg

Mark VIe系列IS420YAICS1B模拟量输入输出模块产品详情信息:

IS420YAICS1B可以在最多两个以太网和一个终端模拟I/O板之间进行接口。IS420YAICS1B最多可处理十个模拟输入,其中两个可配置为±1 mA或4-20 mA电流输入,其余八个为±5 V或±10 V输入,或4-20 mA回路输入。IS420YAICS1B可以通过双RJ45以太网连接器发送和接收数据。

虽然Mark VIe系列中的各种装置可用于双冗余、TMR或单工冗余应用,但IS420YAICS1B I/O板只能用于TMR或单工应用,请注意,当在TMR冗余应用中使用此包时,将使用三个I/O板,而在单工冗余应用中仅使用一个I/O板。另一个重要注意事项是,TMR组内的所有I/O板必须采用相同的硬件形式。YAIC I/O板的另一个版本被标记为IS420YAICS1A板,请注意,包版本不能在同一个T型端子板上混合。

IS420YAICS1B I/O板可以执行多个自诊断测试,其中一些是通电自检,将检查闪存和RAM存储器、大多数处理器板硬件以及包上的以太网端口。该包还可以持续监控内部电源,以确保正确操作。

IS420YAICS1B can interface between up to two Ethernet and one terminal analog I/O board. IS420YAICS1B can process up to ten analog inputs, two of which can be configured as ± 1 mA or 4-20 mA current inputs, the remaining eight as ± 5 V or ± 10 V inputs, or 4-20 mA loop inputs. IS420YAICS1B can send and receive data through dual RJ45 Ethernet connectors.

Although various devices in the Mark VIe series can be used for dual redundancy TMR or simplex redundant applications, but the IS420YAICS1B I/O board can only be used for TMR or simplex applications. Please note that when using this package in TMR redundant applications, three I/O boards will be used, while only one I/O board will be used in simplex redundant applications. Another important note is that, All I/O boards within the TMR group must use the same hardware form. Another version of the YAIC I/O board is marked as the IS420YAICS1A board. Please note that the package version cannot be mixed on the same T-terminal board.

The IS420YAICS1B I/O board can perform multiple self diagnostic tests, some of which are power on self-tests that will check the flash and RAM memory, most processor board hardware, and Ethernet ports on the package. This package can also continuously monitor internal power supply to ensure correct operation.

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+86 15270269218