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GE HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器

  • GE HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器
  • GE HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器
  • GE HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器
  • GE HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器
  • GE HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器

HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器是推出的一款先进的在线变压器监测系统,专门设计用于持续监测电力变压器的健康状态。

HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器产品图片展示

GE HYDRAN M2(1).jpg

HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器实物视频展示

HYDRAN M2变压器气体监测器特点和注意事项


多气体监测:HYDRAN M2能够监测变压器油中溶解的多种气体,包括但不限于氢气(H2)、一氧化碳(CO)、乙烯(C2H4)、乙炔(C2H2)、甲烷(CH4)、乙烷(C2H6)等。这些气体的生成往往与变压器内部的热或电故障有关。
实时警报:当监测到异常气体浓度或其他参数超出安全范围时,HYDRAN M2会发出警报,提示维护人员注意。
易于集成:HYDRAN M2可以与其他传感器或监测设备连接,以收集更全面的变压器运行状态信息。
全面监测:除了气体监测,HYDRAN M2还可以监测顶层油温、负载电流等参数。
专业培训:操作和维护HYDRAN M2的人员应接受适当培训,理解监测数据的意义以及如何响应警报。
兼容性:确认HYDRAN M2与现有系统或设备的兼容性,确保能够无缝集成。


Multi gas monitoring: HYDRAN M2 can monitor various gases dissolved in transformer oil, including but not limited to hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), ethylene (C2H4), acetylene (C2H2), methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), etc. The generation of these gases is often related to thermal or electrical faults inside transformers.

Real time monitoring: The system provides real-time monitoring, allowing operators to immediately understand the health status of transformers and take preventive measures before faults occur.

Real time alarm: When abnormal gas concentration or other parameters exceed the safe range are detected, HYDRAN M2 will issue an alarm to remind maintenance personnel to pay attention.

Data recording and analysis: The system can record the operating data of transformers, perform trend analysis, and help evaluate the long-term health status of transformers.

Easy to integrate:  HYDRAN M2 can be connected to other sensors or monitoring devices to collect more comprehensive transformer operation status information.

Durable and sturdy:  Designed with a high level of protection, suitable for various harsh working environments.

Widely applicable:Suitable for transformers that use mineral insulating oil or ester based liquids (natural and synthetic) as cooling media.

Intelligent diagnosis: may have the ability to predict faults using mathematical models based on IEEE standards.

Comprehensive monitoring: In addition to gas monitoring, the HYDRAN M2 can also monitor parameters such as top oil temperature and load current.


Regular calibration:  To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the monitor, it is necessary to calibrate and maintain it according to the manufacturer's recommended cycle.

Environmental factors: Pay attention to the working environment of the monitor to avoid extreme temperature, humidity, and pollution, which may affect the performance of the sensor.

Maintenance:Regularly check the equipment for physical damage or wear to ensure that all components are working properly.

Professional training: Personnel operating and maintaining the HYDRAN M2 should receive appropriate training to understand the significance of monitoring data and how to respond to alarms.

Data management:  Ensure appropriate data storage and analysis strategies are in place to fully utilize the information provided by monitoring systems.

Safety regulations:Follow all relevant safety regulations, especially when handling potentially flammable gases.

Compatibility:Confirm the compatibility of the HYDRAN M2 with existing systems or devices to ensure seamless integration.

Regulatory Compliance: Comply with all local regulatory requirements regarding power facility monitoring and maintenance.

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