

+86 15270269218

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器

  • GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器
  • GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器
  • GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器
  • GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器
  • GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R 是由 GE Multilin 生产的变压器管理继电器,它专为电力系统中的变压器保护而设计。

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器图片

GE SR489-P5-LO-A20-E(5).jpg

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器视频

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R变压器管理继电器详情


全面的保护功能:SR745 提供多种保护算法,包括差动保护、过流保护、接地故障保护等,适用于不同类型的变压器保护需求。
通信能力:SR745 支持多种通信协议,能够与SCADA系统或其他自动化设备进行数据交换,便于远程监控和控制。
环境因素:虽然 SR745 系列具有一定的环境适应性,但应避免将其暴露在极端温度、湿度或腐蚀性气体中。
软件更新:留意 GE Multilin 发布的软件更新,及时升级继电器的固件,以获得最新的功能和安全修复。
专业培训:操作和维护人员应接受适当的培训,以熟悉 SR745 的所有功能和操作流程。


Comprehensive protection features:

Differential protection can detect internal short circuits in windings.

100% stator grounding protection, used to detect grounding faults in stator windings.

Grounding direction overcurrent protection, identifying and isolating grounding faults.

It may also include protection against overload, under load, unbalanced load, frequency deviation, voltage fluctuations, etc.

Measurement and monitoring:

Real time monitoring of generator parameters such as current, voltage, power, frequency, and temperature.

Provide data and event records for easy fault analysis and maintenance.

Communication capability:

Usually equipped with RS232 or other types of communication ports, allowing connection to SCADA systems or other monitoring devices.

Can send real-time data, receive remote instructions, perform configuration and debugging.

User interface:

LCD display screen, displaying system status and alarm information.

The user interface is user-friendly, simplifying the setup and fault diagnosis process.

Environmental adaptability:

Capable of operating within a certain temperature range and humidity conditions, but it is important to note that extreme conditions may affect equipment performance.

Flexibility and configurability:

Protection settings and functional configurations can be adjusted according to specific application requirements.


Storage and working temperature:

Ensure that the ambient temperature for device storage and operation is within the specified range to avoid damage to the LCD display due to low temperature.

Humidity and altitude:

Maintain the equipment under non condensing humidity conditions and consider the impact of altitude.

Power requirements:

Confirm the voltage range of the DC or AC power supply based on the specific model to avoid unstable power supply or exceeding the range.

Maintenance and calibration:

Regularly inspect and maintain to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the relay. Perform regular calibration to maintain measurement accuracy.

Installation and wiring:

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation and correctly connect the current transformer (CT) and other sensors.

Ensure that all wiring complies with electrical specifications and safety standards.

Software updates:

Regularly check for firmware or software updates to enhance functionality or fix potential issues.

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+86 15270269218