

+86 15270269218

GE D20 EME210BASE-T数字量控制模块

  • GE D20 EME210BASE-T数字量控制模块
  • GE D20 EME210BASE-T数字量控制模块
  • GE D20 EME210BASE-T数字量控制模块

GE D20 EME210BASE-T数字量控制模块  是通用电气(GE)公司生产的一种数字量输入/输出(I/O)模块,用于工业自动化和控制系统


  1. 数字量输入/输出:模块设计用于处理数字量信号,如开关状态、传感器信号等,能够接收和发送二进制信号。

  2. 以太网通信:支持10BASE-T以太网标准,即10Mbps的以太网连接,提供与其他设备和系统的网络通信能力。

  3. 工业自动化应用:该模块常用于工业自动化系统,如生产线控制、设备监测和生产过程控制等,特别是在需要数字量信号处理的场合。

  4. PLC集成:D20 EME210BASE-T模块可以与可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)系统集成,使数字量数据能够无缝地融入整个自动化系统中。

  5. 变电站控制:根据一些资料,这种模块也可能用于变电站的控制和自动化,提供高价值的变电站自动化功能。

  6. 电气隔离:模块可能具有电气隔离特性,以防止电源回路与其他电路之间的电气干扰,提高系统安全性。

  7. 工作参数:模块的工作电压可能为220V,输出频率为30Hz,处理速度为15Hz,程序容量为2MB,数据容量为1MB。

  8. 物理规格:模块的重量约为1.2千克,安装方式为控制室安装,采用模块式结构,便于在控制柜中进行安装和维护。

English manual:

Digital input/Output: The module is designed to handle digital signals, such as switch states, sensor signals, etc., and is capable of receiving and sending binary signals.

Ethernet communication: Supports the 10BASE-T Ethernet standard, that is, 10Mbps Ethernet connection, providing network communication capabilities with other devices and systems.

Industrial Automation applications: The module is often used in industrial automation systems, such as production line control, equipment monitoring and production process control, especially in the case of digital signal processing.

PLC Integration: The D20 EME210BASE-T module can be integrated with programmable logic controller (PLC) systems, so that digital volume data can be seamlessly integrated into the entire automation system.

Substation control: According to some sources, this module may also be used for substation control and automation, providing high-value substation automation functions.

Electrical isolation: Modules may have electrical isolation features to prevent electrical interference between the power loop and other circuits, improving system safety.

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+86 15270269218