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GE WEA13-13 2508-21001隔离模拟输出模块

  • GE WEA13-13 2508-21001隔离模拟输出模块
  • GE WEA13-13 2508-21001隔离模拟输出模块
  • GE WEA13-13 2508-21001隔离模拟输出模块

GE WEA13-13 2508-21001 GE 隔离模拟输出模块 是通用电气(GE)公司生产的一种工业自动化控制模块


  1. 模拟输出信号:模块提供隔离的模拟输出信号,常见的输出类型包括0-10V、±10V、4-20mA或0-20mA等,这些信号可以被用来控制外部设备,如电机驱动器、阀门、仪表或执行器。

  2. 隔离功能:隔离输出有助于防止信号线上的噪声或电涌影响到控制系统,同时也避免了不同接地参考点之间可能产生的电流环路问题,增强了系统的整体稳定性。

  3. 通道数量:WEA13-13模块可能具有多个独立的模拟输出通道,每个通道都可以配置不同的输出范围,以满足不同的控制需求。

  4. 工业标准兼容性:该模块可能支持多种工业标准协议,例如Modbus、EtherCAT、Profinet等,便于与各种控制系统集成。

  5. 环境适应性:设计用于工业环境,能够承受高温、振动、电磁干扰等恶劣条件,确保在各种环境下稳定运行。

  6. 应用领域:WEA13-13模块广泛应用于各种工业自动化场景,如过程控制、制造生产线、能源管理、楼宇自动化等,用于实现精确的闭环控制。

English manual:

Analog output signals: Modules provide isolated analog output signals, common output types include 0-10V, ±10V, 4-20mA, or 0-20mA, which can be used to control external devices such as motor drivers, valves, meters, or actuators.

Isolation: The isolated output helps to prevent noise or power surges on the signal lines from affecting the control system, while also avoiding current loop problems that may occur between different ground reference points, enhancing the overall stability of the system.

Number of channels: The WEA13-13 module may have multiple independent analog output channels, each of which can be configured with a different output range to meet different control needs.

Industry standard compatibility: The module may support a variety of industry standard protocols, such as Modbus, EtherCAT, Profinet, etc., for easy integration with various control systems.

Environmental adaptability: Designed for industrial environments, it can withstand high temperature, vibration, electromagnetic interference and other harsh conditions to ensure stable operation in various environments.

Application: WEA13-13 modules are widely used in various industrial automation scenarios, such as process control, manufacturing production lines, energy management, building automation, etc., to achieve accurate closed-loop control.

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+86 15270269218