

+86 15270269218

GERS-FS-9001 362A1052P004火焰扫描仪

  • GERS-FS-9001 362A1052P004火焰扫描仪
  • GERS-FS-9001 362A1052P004火焰扫描仪
  • GERS-FS-9001 362A1052P004火焰扫描仪

GE RS-FS-9001 是通用电气(GE)制造的一款火焰扫描仪


  1. 高灵敏度:能够检测到微弱的火焰信号,即使在低光或无光环境中也能工作。

  2. 快速响应:在检测到火焰存在或消失后,能够迅速做出反应,这对于控制和安全系统至关重要。

  3. 抗干扰能力:设计有防止外部光源干扰的措施,确保只对火焰信号做出响应。

  4. 自检功能:内置自检程序,可以定期检查设备是否正常工作,减少因设备故障导致的意外停机。

  5. 温度补偿:能够在广泛的温度范围内保持准确的火焰检测,不受环境温度变化的影响。

  6. 通信接口:通常配备有标准的电气接口,如4-20mA模拟信号或数字通信协议,以便与控制系统集成。

  7. 耐用性:设计用于工业环境,能够承受高温、振动和灰尘等恶劣条件

English manual:

High sensitivity: Can detect weak flame signals, even in low light or no light environment can also work.

Rapid response: The ability to react quickly after the presence or absence of a flame is detected is essential for control and safety systems.

Anti-interference capability: Measures are designed to prevent interference from external light sources to ensure that only the flame signal is responded to.

Self-check function: Built-in self-check program, can regularly check whether the equipment is working properly, reduce the unexpected shutdown caused by equipment failure.

Temperature compensation: The ability to maintain accurate flame detection over a wide temperature range, independent of ambient temperature changes.

Communication interface: Usually equipped with a standard electrical interface, such as 4-20mA analog signal or digital communication protocol, for integration with the control system.

Durability: Designed for use in industrial environments, it can withstand harsh conditions such as high temperatures, vibration and dust.

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R-E Transformer management relay


+86 15270269218