

+86 15270269218


  • GE VPROH2B IS215VPROH2BC汽轮机保护板
  • GE VPROH2B IS215VPROH2BC汽轮机保护板
  • GE VPROH2B IS215VPROH2BC汽轮机保护板

GE IS215VPROH2B 汽轮机保护板 是General Electric公司生产的一种用于汽轮机超速保护的专用电子硬件


  1. 功能:IS215VPROH2B板(有时简称为VPRO板)是汽轮机紧急跳闸系统(Emergency Trip System, ETS)的一部分,用于监测汽轮机的速度,并在速度达到预定的安全阈值时立即触发停机程序。

  2. 冗余设计:为了提高系统的可靠性和安全性,Mark VI控制系统采用了三重冗余设计,这意味着有三个VPRO板(IS215VPROH2B)协同工作,以确保即使在单个板出现故障的情况下,整个系统仍然能够正常运行。

  3. 与TREG板的交互:VPRO板与TREG板(Trip Relay Board)配合使用,TREG板控制着实际的跳闸继电器,当VPRO板检测到超速情况时,会向TREG板发送信号,触发跳闸动作。

  4. 超速保护:VPRO板负责监测汽轮机的转速,一旦转速超过设定的临界值,它将立即启动紧急停机程序,切断燃料供应,关闭进汽阀门,从而使汽轮机减速直至完全停止。

  5. 兼容性:这块板子是专门为GE的Mark VI控制系统设计的,与该系统中的其他组件协同工作,以提供整体的汽轮机保护功能。

  6. 维护与测试:IS215VPROH2B板需要定期进行维护和测试,以确保其在关键时刻能够正确响应。这包括定期的功能测试、清洁和必要的硬件更换。

  7. 供应商与服务:AX Control等公司提供IS215VPROH2B板的库存、销售和维修服务,确保用户可以获取到所需的备件和技术支持

English manual:

Function: The IS215VPROH2B board (sometimes referred to simply as the VPRO board) is part of the turbine Emergency Trip System (ETS) and is used to monitor the speed of the turbine and immediately trigger the shutdown procedure when the speed reaches a predetermined safety threshold.

Redundant design: To improve system reliability and safety, the Mark VI control system has a triple redundancy design, which means that there are three VPRO boards (IS215VPROH2B) working together to ensure that even in the event of a single board failure, the entire system can still function properly.

Interaction with TREG Board: The VPRO board is used in conjunction with the Trip Relay Board (TREG Board). The TREG board controls the actual trip relay. When the VPRO board detects the overspeed situation, it sends signals to the TREG board to trigger the trip action.

Overspeed protection: The VPRO board is responsible for monitoring the turbine speed, and once the speed exceeds the set threshold, it will immediately initiate an emergency shutdown procedure, cut off the fuel supply, close the intake valve, and thus slow down the turbine until it comes to a complete stop.

Compatibility: This board is designed specifically for GE's Mark VI control system and works in concert with other components in the system to provide overall turbine protection.

Maintenance and testing: The IS215VPROH2B board requires regular maintenance and testing to ensure that it responds correctly at critical times. This includes regular functional testing, cleaning and necessary hardware replacement.

Suppliers and Services: Companies such as AX Control provide inventory, sales and repair services for IS215VPROH2B boards, ensuring that users have access to the spare parts and technical support they need.

GE SR745-W2-P1-G1-HI-A-L-R-E Transformer management relay


+86 15270269218