

+86 15270269218

GE IS430SNUAH1A 输入/输出模块

  • GE IS430SNUAH1A 输入/输出模块
  • GE IS430SNUAH1A 输入/输出模块
  • GE IS430SNUAH1A 输入/输出模块

GE IS430SNUAH1A 是通用电气(General Electric, GE)生产的输入/输出(I/O)模块


  1. 数字和模拟输入/输出:IS430SNUAH1A模块可以处理数字和模拟信号,接收来自传感器、开关等设备的输入,并向执行器、阀门等设备发送输出信号。

  2. 冗余设计:在一些关键应用中,IS430SNUAH1A可以配置为冗余对,以提高系统的可靠性和容错能力。如果主模块发生故障,备用模块可以无缝接管,避免生产中断。

  3. 高密度I/O:单个模块可以支持多个输入/输出点,减少了所需的物理空间和布线,降低了系统成本。

  4. 通信能力:模块能够与控制系统的其他部分进行通信,如CPU、操作员界面、工程师工作站等,通过高速网络交换数据。

  5. 诊断功能:内置诊断功能帮助监控模块的状态,可以检测到模块故障、信号异常等情况,并提供错误代码或指示灯显示,简化故障排查过程。

  6. 安全性和防护等级:设计符合工业安全标准,具有良好的抗电磁干扰能力,适合在恶劣的工业环境中使用。

  7. 可配置性:用户可以通过专用的配置软件对模块进行设置,如定义输入/输出类型、量程、报警阈值等。

  8. 维护和升级:模块化设计使得维护和替换变得容易,可以在不停机的情况下更换故障模块。

  9. 兼容性:IS430SNUAH1A模块与GE Mark VI或Mark VIB控制系统的其他组件兼容,可以构建一个完整且协调的控制系统

English manual:

Digital and analog input/output: The IS430SNUAH1A module can process digital and analog signals, receive input from sensors, switches and other devices, and send output signals to actuators, valves and other devices.

Redundant design: In some critical applications, the IS430SNUAH1A can be configured as a redundant pair to improve system reliability and fault tolerance. If the primary module fails, the standby module can seamlessly take over, avoiding production interruptions.

High density I/O: A single module can support multiple input/output points, reducing the physical space and cabling required and reducing system costs.

Communication capability: The module is able to communicate with other parts of the control system, such as the CPU, operator interface, engineer workstation, etc., to exchange data over a high-speed network.

Diagnostic function: The built-in diagnostic function helps to monitor the module status, detect module faults and signal anomalies, and provide error codes or indicator displays, simplifying the troubleshooting process.

Safety and protection level: Designed to meet industrial safety standards, with good anti-electromagnetic interference ability, suitable for use in harsh industrial environments.

Configurability: Users can set the module through dedicated configuration software, such as defining input/output types, ranges, alarm thresholds, etc.

Maintenance and upgrades: The modular design makes maintenance and replacement easy, enabling replacement of failing modules without downtime.

Compatibility: The IS430SNUAH1A module is compatible with other components of the GE Mark VI or Mark VIB control system to build a complete and coordinated control system.

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+86 15270269218