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MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E电机管理继电器

  • MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E电机管理继电器
  • MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E电机管理继电器
  • MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E电机管理继电器
  • MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E电机管理继电器

MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E电机管理继电器 是 GE(现为GE智能电网)制造的一款电机管理继电器,属于 MULTILIN 369 系列。

MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E电机管理继电器 详情介绍: 

MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E 是 GE(现为GE智能电网)制造的一款电机管理继电器,属于 MULTILIN 369 系列。该系列继电器专为电动机保护和控制设计,提供了多种功能来确保电动机的安全运行和可靠性。


  1. 电机保护

    • 过载保护:提供对电动机的过载保护,防止由于长期过载而导致的设备损坏。
    • 堵转保护:监测电动机的启动过程,防止因堵转导致的过热和损坏。
    • 过热保护:通过温度传感器监测电动机的运行温度,防止因过热而引发故障。
    • 相序监测:检测电动机的相序,以防止因相序错误导致的电动机损坏。
  2. 监测与诊断

    • 实时数据监测:提供实时的电动机运行数据,包括电流、电压、功率等。
    • 故障记录:记录故障事件和数据,以便于故障分析和维护。
    • 运行状态监测:监测电动机的运行状态,包括启动次数和运行时间。
  3. 控制功能

    • 启动和停止控制:支持电动机的远程启动和停止控制。
    • 自动重启:在发生暂时性故障后,可以自动重新启动电动机,减少停机时间。
    • 保护设置:允许用户根据电动机的特性进行保护设置和调整。
  4. 通信与集成

    • 支持多种通信协议:如Modbus、DNP3、IEC 61850等,便于与其他设备和系统集成。
    • 网络接口:提供网络接口,支持远程监控和管理,提升操作灵活性。
  5. 用户界面

    • 图形化显示:配备直观的图形用户界面,便于配置和监控电动机状态。
    • 远程管理:支持远程访问和控制,允许从不同地点管理和操作设备。
  6. 可靠性和耐用性

    • 坚固设计:设计用于适应各种工业环境,具有高耐用性和稳定性。
    • 自诊断功能:具备自诊断能力,可以快速检测和报告系统中的问题。

MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E电机管理继电器 实物图片:


english introduction:

MULTILIN 369-HI-0-M-0-E is a motor management relay manufactured by GE (now GE Smart Grid) and belongs to the MULTILIN 369 series. This series of relays is designed specifically for motor protection and control, providing multiple functions to ensure the safe operation and reliability of the motor.

Main features and functions

Motor protection

Overload protection: Provides overload protection for electric motors to prevent equipment damage caused by long-term overload.

Lock rotor protection: Monitor the starting process of the motor to prevent overheating and damage caused by lock rotor.

Overheating protection: Monitor the operating temperature of the motor through a temperature sensor to prevent malfunctions caused by overheating.

Phase sequence monitoring: Detecting the phase sequence of the motor to prevent damage caused by phase sequence errors.

Monitoring and Diagnosis

Real time data monitoring: Provide real-time motor operation data, including current, voltage, power, etc.

Fault record: Record fault events and data for the purpose of fault analysis and maintenance.

Operation status monitoring: Monitor the operation status of the motor, including the number of starts and running time.

control function 

Start and stop control: Supports remote start and stop control of electric motors.

Automatic restart: In the event of a temporary malfunction, the motor can be automatically restarted to reduce downtime.

Protection settings: Allow users to set and adjust protection based on the characteristics of the motor.

Communication and Integration

Supports multiple communication protocols such as Modbus, DNP3, IEC 61850, etc., making it easy to integrate with other devices and systems.

Network interface: Provides network interfaces, supports remote monitoring and management, and enhances operational flexibility.

user interface

Graphic display: equipped with an intuitive graphical user interface for easy configuration and monitoring of motor status.

Remote management: supports remote access and control, allowing devices to be managed and operated from different locations.

Reliability and durability

Durable design: Designed to adapt to various industrial environments, with high durability and stability.

Self diagnostic function: With self diagnostic capability, it can quickly detect and report problems in the system.

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PMA55R-00100-00AMAT  0100-09153PFTL201C
PMA53R-00100-00AMAT 0100-09081PFTL201CE
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PMA53Q-10100-00AMAT 0100-20091PFTL201DE
PMB33E-20216-02AMAT 0100-03776PFTL301E
PMB31D-20101-02AMAT 0100-00244PFTL301E 3BSE019050R0500
PMB33E-10201-01AMAT 0100-00132PFVA401
PMB33C-00100-01AMAT 0100-1401PFVL141C


+86 15270269218