

+86 15270269218



MULTILIN UR8HH多功能UR模块  是 GE(现为 GE 智能电网) MULTILIN 系列中的一个模块化设备,专为电力系统的保护、控制和监测设计。

MULTILIN UR8HH多功能UR模块  详情介绍: 

MULTILIN UR8HH 多功能 UR 模块是 GE(现为 GE 智能电网) MULTILIN 系列中的一个模块化设备,专为电力系统的保护、控制和监测设计。UR8HH 是 Universal Relay(UR)系列中的一部分,这些设备以其灵活性和功能丰富性而著称,广泛应用于变电站和电力系统中。


  1. 多功能保护

    • 过电流保护:为电力系统提供过电流保护,防止由于过载或短路引发的设备损坏。
    • 差动保护:提供差动保护,用于检测变压器或发电机的内部故障。
    • 接地保护:监测和保护系统中的接地故障,确保系统的安全运行。
    • 欠压和过压保护:对电压异常进行保护,避免电力设备受到损害。
  2. 高级监测

    • 实时数据采集:实时监测电流、电压、功率等系统参数,提供全面的数据视图。
    • 故障记录:记录系统故障和事件数据,支持故障分析和维护工作。
    • 温度和状态监测:监测设备的温度和运行状态,防止过热或其他潜在问题。
  3. 灵活的通信和集成

    • 支持多种通信协议:包括 Modbus、DNP3、IEC 61850 等,方便与其他系统和设备的集成。
    • 网络接口:提供网络接口,支持远程监控、控制和管理,提高操作灵活性。
  4. 智能控制功能

    • 自动重合闸:在检测到暂时性故障时自动尝试恢复电力供应,减少停机时间。
    • 故障隔离:能够迅速隔离故障区域,防止故障扩散到其他系统部分。
    • 控制逻辑:支持复杂的控制逻辑设置,以满足特定应用需求。
  5. 用户友好界面

    • 图形化显示:配备直观的图形用户界面,便于配置和监控系统。
    • 远程管理:允许远程访问和操作,支持从不同地点进行系统管理和维护。
  6. 可靠性和耐用性

    • 坚固设计:设计用于在各种工业环境中运行,具有高耐用性和稳定性。
    • 自诊断功能:具备自诊断能力,可以快速检测和报告系统中的问题。



english introduction:

The MULTILIN UR8HH multifunctional UR module is a modular device in the MULTILIN series of GE (now GE Smart Grid), designed specifically for the protection, control, and monitoring of power systems. UR8HH is part of the Universal Relay (UR) series, which is known for its flexibility and feature richness, and is widely used in substations and power systems.

Main features and functions

Multi functional protection

Overcurrent protection: provides overcurrent protection for the power system to prevent equipment damage caused by overload or short circuit.

Differential protection: Provides differential protection for detecting internal faults in transformers or generators.

Grounding protection: Monitor and protect grounding faults in the system to ensure safe operation of the system.

Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection: Protect against abnormal voltage to prevent damage to electrical equipment.

Advanced monitoring

Real time data collection: Real time monitoring of system parameters such as current, voltage, and power, providing a comprehensive data view.

Fault record: Record system faults and event data to support fault analysis and maintenance work.

Temperature and status monitoring: Monitor the temperature and operating status of equipment to prevent overheating or other potential issues.

Flexible communication and integration

Supports multiple communication protocols, including Modbus, DNP3, IEC 61850, etc., facilitating integration with other systems and devices.

Network Interface: Provides a network interface that supports remote monitoring, control, and management, enhancing operational flexibility.

Intelligent control function

Automatic reclosing: Automatically attempts to restore power supply when a temporary fault is detected, reducing downtime.

Fault isolation: It can quickly isolate the fault area and prevent the fault from spreading to other system parts.

Control logic: Supports complex control logic settings to meet specific application requirements.

User friendly interface

Graphic display: equipped with an intuitive graphical user interface for easy configuration and monitoring of the system.

Remote management: allows remote access and operation, supports system management and maintenance from different locations.

Reliability and durability

Durable design: Designed to operate in various industrial environments, with high durability and stability.

Self diagnostic function: With self diagnostic capability, it can quickly detect and report problems in the system.


 3BHE039203R0101 Processor module

 3BHE039724R0C3D high-performance control system

 3BHL000391P0101 Low volta power supply chip




PMB31D-20101-02AMAT 0100-00244PFTL301E 3BSE019050R0500
PMB33E-10201-01AMAT 0100-00132PFVA401
PMB33C-00100-01AMAT 0100-1401PFVL141C
PMB31D-10100-01AMAT 0100-00853PFVL141R
PMB31B-20114-02AMAT 0100-14010PFVL141V
PMB21B-Y0Y00-11AMAT 0100-76297PFXC141
PMB33E-20201-01AMAT 0160-00018PXAH401


+86 15270269218