

+86 15270269218

MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S变压器保护系统

  • MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S变压器保护系统
  • MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S变压器保护系统
  • MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S变压器保护系统

MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S变压器保护系统 是 GE Multilin 系列中的变压器保护系统。

MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S变压器保护系统 详情介绍: 

MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S 是 GE Multilin 系列中的变压器保护系统。它专为变压器的保护和控制设计,提供全面的保护功能,包括差动保护、过流保护、温度监测等,确保变压器的安全运行。以下是该变压器保护系统的关键特点和功能:


  1. 综合保护功能:

    • 差动保护: 提供高精度的差动保护功能,用于检测变压器内部故障。该功能能够迅速识别并隔离故障,防止故障扩展。
    • 过流保护: 监测变压器的电流,提供快速的过流保护,防止过载损坏变压器。
    • 温度监测与保护: 通过内置的温度传感器和保护算法,对变压器的运行温度进行实时监测和控制,防止过热导致的设备损坏。
  2. 先进的控制功能:

    • 自动复位与控制: 系统能够根据预设的参数自动复位和重新投入运行,减少人为干预,提高系统运行的可靠性。
    • 远程监控与控制: 支持通过通讯接口进行远程监控和控制,便于操作人员随时了解变压器的运行状态并进行调整。
  3. 灵活的配置选项:

    • 模块化设计: 支持不同模块的组合和配置,可以根据变压器的规格和运行要求进行灵活调整,适应各种应用场景。
    • 多种通信协议支持: 兼容多种工业标准通信协议(如 Modbus、IEC 61850 等),便于集成到现有的自动化系统中。
  4. 高可靠性和稳定性:

    • 冗余设计: 关键部件采用冗余设计,确保系统在单点故障情况下仍能正常运行,提供持续的保护功能。
    • 抗干扰能力强: 采用先进的抗干扰技术,确保在复杂的电磁环境下系统依然能够稳定工作。
  5. 用户友好的界面:

    • 直观的操作界面: 配备图形化用户界面(GUI),提供实时数据和故障信息,便于操作人员进行监控和维护。
    • 事件记录与分析: 自动记录运行事件和故障信息,并提供详细的分析工具,帮助快速定位和解决问题。

MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S变压器保护系统 实物图片:


english introduction:

MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S is a transformer protection system in the GE Multilin series. It is designed specifically for the protection and control of transformers, providing comprehensive protection functions including differential protection, overcurrent protection, temperature monitoring, etc., to ensure the safe operation of transformers. The following are the key features and functions of the transformer protection system:

Product Features

Comprehensive protection function:

Differential protection: Provides high-precision differential protection function for detecting internal faults in transformers. This function can quickly identify and isolate faults, preventing fault expansion.

Overcurrent protection: Monitor the current of the transformer, provide fast overcurrent protection, and prevent overload damage to the transformer.

Temperature monitoring and protection: Real time monitoring and control of the operating temperature of transformers are achieved through built-in temperature sensors and protection algorithms to prevent equipment damage caused by overheating.

Advanced control functions:

Automatic reset and control: The system can automatically reset and restart according to preset parameters, reducing human intervention and improving the reliability of system operation.

Remote monitoring and control: Supports remote monitoring and control through communication interfaces, making it easy for operators to understand the operating status of transformers and make adjustments at any time.

Flexible configuration options:

Modular design: supports the combination and configuration of different modules, and can be flexibly adjusted according to the specifications and operational requirements of transformers to adapt to various application scenarios.

Multiple communication protocol support: Compatible with multiple industrial standard communication protocols (such as Modbus, IEC 61850, etc.), making it easy to integrate into existing automation systems.

High reliability and stability:

Redundancy design: Key components adopt redundancy design to ensure that the system can still operate normally in the event of a single point of failure, providing continuous protection function.

Strong anti-interference ability: Advanced anti-interference technology is adopted to ensure stable operation of the system in complex electromagnetic environments.

User friendly interface:

Intuitive operating interface: equipped with a graphical user interface (GUI), providing real-time data and fault information for operators to monitor and maintain.

Event recording and analysis: Automatically record operational events and fault information, and provide detailed analysis tools to help quickly locate and solve problems.

MULTILIN E-P5-G5-H-E-S变压器保护系统 相关产品:

 AI815 3BSE052604R1 Analog input module

 AIM0006 digital module

 CI543 3BSE010699R1 Communication interface module

 067-02121-0005 中央控制器模块


 61-0476-20 印刷电路板

PMB31D-00216-00AMAT 0100-7126757160001-P DSTD 120
PMB31B-10100-02AMAT 130-010257160001-PA DSDI 116
PMB31B-00101-02AMAT 0100-2023457160001-PE DSDI 126
PMB31B-20100-03AMAT  0120-9366057160001-PK DSDI 125
PMB33C-00201-03AMAT 129-020157160001-PP DSTD 189
PMB33F-00216-00AMAT 130-030357160001-SH DSTD 306
PMB31D-00214-02AMAT 130-040157160001-TK DSDI 141A
PMB31B-10200-03AMAT 0100-0148857160001-TZ DSTD 110


+86 15270269218