

+86 15270269218

SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 电机保护器

  •   SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 电机保护器
  •   SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 电机保护器
  •   SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 电机保护器
  •   SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 电机保护器

  SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 电机保护器 是一款由 GE(通用电气)公司制造的电机保护器。

  SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 电机保护器  详情介绍: 

GE SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 是一款由 GE(通用电气)公司制造的电机保护器。它设计用于电机保护和控制,能够提供多种保护功能,确保电机在不同运行条件下的安全和稳定。该保护器广泛应用于工业领域,适用于发电厂、变电站、制造业和其他需要高可靠性电机保护的场景。


  1. 电机保护功能

    • 过载保护:能够监测电机的运行电流,防止因负载过重而导致的过载情况,保护电机免受损害。
    • 堵转保护:检测电机是否发生堵转,并在发生堵转时迅速采取保护措施,如断开电源或发出报警信号。
    • 欠压和过压保护:监测电机的电压,防止由于电压异常导致的电机损坏。
  2. 故障诊断和监控

    • 实时监控:能够实时监测电机的运行状态,包括电流、电压、功率等参数,确保电机在安全范围内运行。
    • 故障记录:集成了故障记录功能,可以记录电机运行中的异常事件,帮助运维人员进行故障分析和维护。
  3. 通信和接口

    • 多种通信协议:支持多种通信协议,如 Modbus、DNP3、IEC 61850 等,可以与其他控制系统或监控系统集成,实现远程监控和管理。
    • 输入/输出接口:提供多种输入/输出接口,便于与外部设备和系统连接。
  4. 保护和报警功能

    • 报警机制:当检测到异常情况时,能够通过声光报警、继电器输出等方式提醒操作人员。
    • 保护动作:在发生严重故障时,能够自动采取保护措施,如断电、停机等,以保护电机和相关设备。
  5. 配置和调试

    • 易于配置:支持通过配置软件进行参数设置,调整保护功能、报警阈值等,以满足不同应用的需求。
    • 用户界面:提供友好的用户界面,方便用户进行设置和操作。
  6. 高可靠性和稳定性

    • 工业级设计:符合工业标准,具有高抗干扰能力和高可靠性,能够在恶劣环境中稳定运行。
    • 冗余设计:某些型号可能具备冗余设计,确保在关键组件发生故障时,系统能够继续运行。

  SR489-P5-LO-A20-E 电机保护器 实物图片:


english introduction:

GE SR489-P5-LO-A20-E is a motor protector manufactured by GE (General Electric). It is designed for motor protection and control, providing multiple protection functions to ensure the safety and stability of the motor under different operating conditions. This protector is widely used in the industrial field, suitable for power plants, substations, manufacturing, and other scenarios that require high reliability motor protection.

Main functions and features:

Motor protection function:

Overload protection: It can monitor the operating current of the motor, prevent overload caused by excessive load, and protect the motor from damage.

Locking protection: Detect whether the motor is locked and take protective measures quickly in case of blockage, such as disconnecting the power supply or issuing an alarm signal.

Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection: Monitor the voltage of the motor to prevent damage caused by abnormal voltage.

Fault diagnosis and monitoring:

Real time monitoring: It can monitor the operating status of the motor in real time, including parameters such as current, voltage, power, etc., to ensure that the motor operates within a safe range.

Fault recording: Integrated with fault recording function, it can record abnormal events during motor operation, helping operation and maintenance personnel to analyze and maintain faults.

Communication and Interface:

Multiple communication protocols: Supports multiple communication protocols such as Modbus, DNP3, IEC 61850, etc., and can be integrated with other control or monitoring systems to achieve remote monitoring and management.

Input/Output Interface: Provides multiple input/output interfaces for easy connection with external devices and systems.

Protection and alarm functions:

Alarm mechanism: When an abnormal situation is detected, it can alert the operator through sound and light alarms, relay outputs, and other means.

Protective action: In the event of a serious malfunction, automatic protective measures such as power outage, shutdown, etc. can be taken to protect the motor and related equipment.

Configuration and debugging:

Easy to configure: Supports parameter settings, adjustment of protection functions, alarm thresholds, etc. through configuration software to meet the needs of different applications.

User Interface: Provides a user-friendly interface for users to easily set up and operate.

High reliability and stability:

Industrial grade design: meets industrial standards, has high anti-interference ability and high reliability, and can operate stably in harsh environments.

Redundancy design: Some models may have redundancy design to ensure that the system can continue to operate in the event of critical component failure.

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+86 15270269218