

+86 15270269218

IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块

  • IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块
  • IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块
  • IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块
  • IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块
  • IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块

IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块   是一款数字量输入模块,属于 GE 的 Mark VI 控制系统系列。

IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块   详情介绍:

GE IS215UCCCM04A 是一款数字量输入模块,属于 GE 的 Mark VI 控制系统系列。这种模块用于接收和处理来自各种工业设备的数字量信号,用于过程控制和监测。以下是该数字量输入模块的主要特性、功能和应用领域:


  1. 数字量输入:IS215UCCCM04A 设计用于接收数字量信号,通常是开关量信号或状态信号,适用于各种工业自动化应用。

  2. 高可靠性:作为 GE Mark VI 系列的一部分,模块具有高可靠性和耐用性,适合在工业环境中长期稳定运行。

  3. 模块化设计:模块化设计使得设备的安装、升级和维护变得更加便捷。

  4. 兼容性:与 GE Mark VI 控制系统及其他相关模块兼容,支持系统的扩展和集成。

  5. 诊断功能:具备诊断功能,能够监测和报告模块的运行状态和故障信息。


  • 信号接收:接收来自工业设备的数字量信号,例如开关、传感器、按钮等的状态信号。

  • 信号处理:将接收到的数字量信号处理并转换为控制系统能够理解的格式。

  • 实时监控:提供实时数据监控,帮助用户了解设备状态并做出必要的调整。

  • 数据传输:将处理后的信号数据传输至控制系统,支持自动化控制和决策制定。

  • 系统集成:与 GE Mark VI 控制系统中的其他模块和设备进行集成,实现全面的自动化控制和监测。


  1. 工业自动化:用于工业自动化系统中接收和处理数字量信号,实现设备状态的监控和控制。

  2. 过程控制:在过程控制系统中监测设备的开关状态,确保过程的稳定性和安全性。

  3. 制造业:用于制造过程中监测设备状态,如开关、传感器信号等,提高生产效率和质量控制。

  4. 能源管理:在能源管理系统中监测和控制能源设备的状态,支持能源的有效管理和优化。

  5. 建筑自动化:在建筑自动化系统中监测和控制各种设备,如门禁系统、照明控制等。

IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块   实物图片:


english introduction:

GE IS215UCCCM04A is a digital input module belonging to GE's Mark VI control system series. This module is used to receive and process digital signals from various industrial equipment for process control and monitoring. The following are the main features, functions, and application areas of the digital input module:

Main characteristics

Digital input: IS215UCCCM04A is designed to receive digital signals, typically switch signals or status signals, and is suitable for various industrial automation applications.

High reliability: As part of the GE Mark VI series, modules have high reliability and durability, making them suitable for long-term stable operation in industrial environments.

Modular design: Modular design makes device installation, upgrading, and maintenance more convenient.

Compatibility: Compatible with GE Mark VI control system and other related modules, supporting system expansion and integration.

Diagnostic function: It has diagnostic function and can monitor and report the operating status and fault information of the module.


Signal reception: Receive digital signals from industrial equipment, such as status signals of switches, sensors, buttons, etc.

Signal processing: Processing and converting received digital signals into a format that the control system can understand.

Real time monitoring: Provides real-time data monitoring to help users understand device status and make necessary adjustments.

Data transmission: Transmit processed signal data to the control system to support automated control and decision-making.

System integration: Integrate with other modules and equipment in the GE Mark VI control system to achieve comprehensive automation control and monitoring.

application area 

Industrial automation: used for receiving and processing digital signals in industrial automation systems to achieve monitoring and control of equipment status.

Process control: Monitor the switch status of equipment in the process control system to ensure the stability and safety of the process.

Manufacturing industry: used to monitor the status of equipment during the manufacturing process, such as switches, sensor signals, etc., to improve production efficiency and quality control.

Energy management: Monitoring and controlling the status of energy equipment in an energy management system to support effective management and optimization of energy.

Building automation: Monitoring and controlling various equipment in building automation systems, such as access control systems, lighting controls, etc.

IS215UCCCM04A 数字量输入模块   相关产品:

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 002-1-23158-10 印刷电路板

PMB31D-10214-0370 EB 03aN31HCLG-LNK-NS-01
PMB33E-00114-0070 ER 01aN31HRLG-LNK-NS-00
PMB33C-00116-0170 FA 01AN34HRFM-LNK-NS-00
PMB31D-10114-0170 FA 01bPWM3636-5486-7
PMB33F-00200-0270 FK 01bPWM5330-5711-45B
PMB33E-20201-0370 FK01aPWM3614-5349-7-1
PMB31D-10200-0270 FV 01a-EPWM3636-5574-7
PMB33F-00214-0370 PR 02a-EPWM3624-5579-7-1


+86 15270269218