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HONEYWELL TK-FTEB01 51309512-175探测器

  • HONEYWELL  TK-FTEB01 51309512-175探测器
  • HONEYWELL  TK-FTEB01 51309512-175探测器

HONEYWELL  TK-FTEB01 51309512-175探测器具有适应不同环境条件的能力,例如恶劣天气或恶劣工业环境。

HONEYWELL  TK-FTEB01 51309512-175产品详情:

  1. 检测原理: Honeywell TK-FTEB01 可能使用红外线(IR)火焰检测技术,它能够检测红外线光谱中与火焰相关的特定波长。

  2. 检测范围: 该火焰探测器可能具有一定的检测范围,即能够探测的火焰距离。

  3. 快速响应: 可能具有快速的火焰检测响应时间,以便在火灾发生时迅速作出反应。

  4. 环境适应性: 一些型号可能具有适应不同环境条件的能力,例如恶劣天气或恶劣工业环境。

  5. 抗干扰能力: 可能具有抗干扰能力,以减少误报和误检。

  6. 输出信号: 可能产生特定的输出信号,例如开关信号、模拟信号等,以便将检测结果传递给其他设备或系统。

  7. 自检功能: 一些型号可能具有自检功能,以确保探测器的正常运行。

  8. 可调性: 可能具有灵活的参数设置,以适应不同的应用需求。

  9. 耐用性: 可能具有耐用的设计,以应对长期使用和恶劣条件。

  10. 通信接口: 一些型号可能具有通信接口,允许与其他系统集成或进行监控。

HONEYWELL  TK-FTEB01 51309512-175实物视频:

HONEYWELL  TK-FTEB01 51309512-175实物拍摄图片:

TK-FTEB01 51309512-175 -3.jpg

HONEYWELL  TK-FTEB01 51309512-175product details:

Detection principle: Honeywell TK-FTEB01 may use infrared (IR) flame detection technology, which can detect specific wavelengths related to flames in the infrared spectrum.

Detection range: The flame detector may have a certain detection range, which is the distance of the flame that can be detected.

Quick response: May have a fast flame detection response time to respond quickly in the event of a fire.

Environmental adaptability: Some models may have the ability to adapt to different environmental conditions, such as harsh weather or harsh industrial environments.

Anti interference capability: may have anti interference capability to reduce false alarms and false detections.

Output signal: It may generate specific output signals, such as switch signals, analog signals, etc., in order to transmit the detection results to other devices or systems.

Self check function: Some models may have a self check function to ensure the normal operation of the detector.

Tunability: It may have flexible parameter settings to adapt to different application needs.

Durability: May have a durable design to cope with long-term use and harsh conditions.

Communication interface: Some models may have communication interfaces that allow integration with other systems or monitoring.

HONEYWELL  TK-FTEB01 51309512-175相关站内产品推荐:

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Honeywell DOC-16C数字输出控制模块

ABB YB560103-CA  ABB 3HNE00001-1 ABB 3E034410 
ABB YB560103-CB  ABB 3HNE00010-1 ABB 3E041482 
ABB YB560103-CCABB 3HNE00025-1ABB 3E042145 
ABB YB560103-CD ABB 3HNE00239-1 ABB 3HAA0001-ADY 
ABB YB560103-CE  ABB 3HNE00312-1 ABB 3HAA0001-XH 



+86 15270269218