

+86 15270269218


  • MOTOROLA FLN3524A远程终端单元
  • MOTOROLA FLN3524A远程终端单元

MOTOROLA FLN3524A远程终端单元具有可编程功能,用户可以根据具体应用需求配置和定制其控制逻辑。


  1. 远程监测和控制: FLN3524A RTU通常用于远程监测和控制分布在不同地点的设备或系统。这可以包括监测温度、压力、流量、电力等各种参数,以及控制相关设备的操作。

  2. 数据采集: 它可以用于采集各种传感器和设备的数据,并将数据传输到中央控制系统或数据中心,以进行进一步的分析和决策制定。

  3. 通信能力: 这种类型的RTU通常配备了通信接口,可以通过各种通信协议(如Modbus、DNP3等)与中央控制系统或SCADA系统通信。

  4. 可编程性: RTU通常具有可编程功能,用户可以根据具体应用需求配置和定制其控制逻辑。

  5. 实时监控: 它可以提供实时监控和报警功能,以便在发生异常情况时采取适当的措施。

  6. 工业应用: 这种类型的RTU通常在工业自动化、电力系统、能源管理、水处理、天然气管道等领域广泛应用。

  7. 可靠性和耐用性: RTU通常需要在恶劣的环境条件下运行,因此它们通常具有高可靠性和耐用性,以适应各种工业环境。


MOTOROLA FLN3524A实物拍摄图片:

FLN3524A -3.jpg

MOTOROLA FLN3524Aproduct details:

Remote monitoring and control: FLN3524A RTU is usually used for remote monitoring and control of equipment or systems distributed in different locations. This can include monitoring various parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, electricity, and controlling the operation of related equipment.

Data collection: It can be used to collect data from various sensors and devices, and transmit the data to the central control system or data center for further analysis and decision-making.

Communication capability: This type of RTU is usually equipped with communication interfaces and can communicate with the central control system or SCADA system through various communication protocols (such as Modbus, DNP3, etc.).

Programmability: RTUs usually have programmable functions, and users can configure and customize their control logic according to specific application requirements.

Real time monitoring: It can provide real-time monitoring and alarm functions to take appropriate measures in case of abnormal situations.

Industrial applications: This type of RTU is typically widely used in industrial automation, power systems, energy management, water treatment, natural gas pipelines, and other fields.

Reliability and Durability: RTUs typically need to operate under harsh environmental conditions, so they typically have high reliability and durability to adapt to various industrial environments.

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+86 15270269218