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NI SCXI-1326模拟输入模块

  • NI SCXI-1326模拟输入模块
  • NI SCXI-1326模拟输入模块

NI SCXI-1326模拟输入模块支持多种模拟输入类型,包括电压、电流、电阻等,可满足不同信号类型的测量需求。

NI SCXI-1326产品详情:

  1. 高精度模拟输入:SCXI-1326具有多通道的模拟输入功能,可同时采集多个模拟信号。它支持高精度的模拟信号采集,适用于各种测量和数据采集应用。

  2. 多种输入类型:该模块支持多种模拟输入类型,包括电压、电流、电阻等,可满足不同信号类型的测量需求。

  3. 高采样率:SCXI-1326具备高采样率,可以实现快速的数据采集,适用于需要高速采样的应用场景。

  4. 灵活扩展:该模块采用SCXI(Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation)模块化架构,可以与其他SCXI模块进行组合和扩展,以满足更复杂的测量系统需求。

  5. 轻松集成:SCXI-1326与NI的硬件平台和软件平台兼容,可以与NI的数据采集设备和LabVIEW等开发环境进行无缝集成,提供方便易用的测量和控制解决方案。

NI SCXI-1326实物视频:

NI SCXI-1326实物拍摄图片:

SCXI-1326 (3).jpg

NI SCXI-1326product details:

High precision analog input: SCXI-1326 has multi-channel analog input function, which can simultaneously collect multiple analog signals. It supports high-precision analog signal acquisition and is suitable for various measurement and data acquisition applications.

Multiple input types: This module supports multiple analog input types, including voltage, current, resistance, etc., which can meet the measurement needs of different signal types.

High sampling rate: SCXI-1326 has a high sampling rate, which can achieve fast data collection and is suitable for application scenarios that require high-speed sampling.

Flexible extension: This module adopts the SCXI (Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation) modular architecture, which can be combined and extended with other SCXI modules to meet more complex measurement system requirements.

Easy integration: SCXI-1326 is compatible with NI's hardware and software platforms, and can seamlessly integrate with NI's data collection devices and LabVIEW development environments, providing convenient and easy-to-use measurement and control solutions.

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+86 15270269218