

+86 15270269218

NI SCXI-1000测量模块

  • NI SCXI-1000测量模块
  • NI SCXI-1000测量模块

NI SCXI-1000测量模块具备信号调理功能,可以增强信号质量、降噪或进行滤波处理。

NI SCXI-1000产品详情:

  1. 信号连接: SCXI-1000 可能用于连接传感器、信号源或其他测量设备,允许用户轻松采集和处理不同类型的信号。

  2. 模块化设计: SCXI 系列是模块化的,意味着用户可以根据需要选择不同类型的模块,以满足特定应用的测量要求。

  3. 多通道支持: SCXI-1000 可能支持多个信号通道,使用户能够同时采集多个信号或测量多个通道的数据。

  4. 测量范围: SCXI-1000 可能支持不同的测量范围,例如电压、电流、温度等。

  5. 信号调理: SCXI 系列通常具备信号调理功能,可以增强信号质量、降噪或进行滤波处理。

  6. 模拟/数字转换: SCXI-1000 可能具备模拟到数字转换功能,将模拟信号转换为数字信号以供进一步处理和分析。

  7. LabVIEW 支持: National Instruments 的 LabVIEW 软件平台通常与 SCXI 系列兼容,可以用于进行数据采集、处理和分析。

  8. 灵活性和可扩展性: SCXI 系列的模块化设计和多样的模块选择使用户能够构建灵活、可扩展的测量系统,满足不同应用的需求。

NI SCXI-1000实物视频:

NI SCXI-1000实物拍摄图片:

SCXI-1000 (6).jpg

NI SCXI-1000product details:

Signal connection: SCXI-1000 may be used to connect sensors, signal sources, or other measuring devices, allowing users to easily collect and process different types of signals.

Modular design: The SCXI series is modular, meaning that users can choose different types of modules according to their needs to meet the measurement requirements of specific applications.

Multi channel support: SCXI-1000 may support multiple signal channels, allowing users to simultaneously collect multiple signals or measure data from multiple channels.

Measurement range: SCXI-1000 may support different measurement ranges, such as voltage, current, temperature, etc.

Signal conditioning: The SCXI series usually has signal conditioning functions, which can enhance signal quality, reduce noise, or perform filtering processing.

Analog/Digital Conversion: The SCXI-1000 may have an analog to digital conversion function, converting analog signals into digital signals for further processing and analysis.

LabVIEW support: National Instruments' LabVIEW software platform is usually compatible with the SCXI series and can be used for data collection, processing, and analysis.

Flexibility and Scalability: The modular design and diverse module selection of the SCXI series enable users to build flexible and scalable measurement systems to meet the needs of different applications.

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ABB 57160001-TP ABB YB161102-AM ABB E-32767 
ABB 57310001-GP ABB IRB1400 ABB E-31021 
ABB 57310256-BA ABB IRB6400 ABB E-31696 
ABB 57330001-N  ABB E-31978 ABB YB161100-LK 
ABB 57360001-AN ABB E-32244 ABB 3HNE00001-1 



+86 15270269218