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NI SCXI-1141输入模块

  • NI SCXI-1141输入模块
  • NI SCXI-1141输入模块

NI SCXI-1141输入模块具有高精度和高分辨率,能够准确地采集和测量模拟信号。

NI SCXI-1141产品详情:

  1. 多通道输入: SCXI-1141 输入模块通常具有多个输入通道,可以同时接收多个模拟信号。

  2. 模拟输入: 这个模块支持模拟输入,能够接收来自传感器或其他模拟设备的电压或电流信号。

  3. 信号调理: SCXI-1141 输入模块通常具有信号调理功能,可以进行放大、滤波和增益调节等处理,以适应不同信号源的要求。

  4. 精度和分辨率: 这个模块通常具有高精度和高分辨率,能够准确地采集和测量模拟信号。

  5. 通信接口: SCXI-1141 输入模块通常通过某种通信接口(例如 USB、Ethernet 或 PXI)与数据采集系统连接。

  6. 可编程性: National Instruments 的模块通常支持编程,用户可以使用 LabVIEW、C/C++、Python 等编程语言进行自定义数据采集和控制。

  7. 模块化设计: SCXI 系列模块具有模块化的设计,易于安装和组装,可以灵活扩展和配置。

NI SCXI-1141实物视频:

NI SCXI-1141实物拍摄图片:

SCXI-1141 (4).jpg

NI SCXI-1141product details:

Multi channel input: The SCXI-1141 input module typically has multiple input channels and can receive multiple analog signals simultaneously.

Analog Input: This module supports analog inputs and can receive voltage or current signals from sensors or other analog devices.

Signal conditioning: The SCXI-1141 input module usually has signal conditioning functions, which can be processed for amplification, filtering, and gain adjustment to meet the requirements of different signal sources.

Accuracy and Resolution: This module typically has high accuracy and resolution, and can accurately collect and measure analog signals.

Communication interface: The SCXI-1141 input module is usually connected to the data collection system through a certain communication interface (such as USB, Ethernet, or PXI).

Programmability: The modules of National Instruments usually support programming, and users can use programming languages such as LabVIEW, C/C++, Python, etc. for custom data collection and control.

Modular design: The SCXI series modules have a modular design that is easy to install and assemble, and can be flexibly expanded and configured.

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+86 15270269218