

+86 15270269218

NI SCXI-1104C电压输入模块

  • NI SCXI-1104C电压输入模块
  • NI SCXI-1104C电压输入模块

NI SCXI-1104C电压输入模块可选择不同的测量范围,适用于不同电压信号的测量需求。

NI SCXI-1104C产品详情:

  • NI SCXI-1104C电压输入模块4个独立的电压输入通道,用于同时测量多个信号源。
  • 可选择不同的测量范围,适用于不同电压信号的测量需求。
  • NI SCXI-1104C电压输入模块高精度和稳定性,确保准确的测量结果。
  • NI SCXI-1104C电压输入模块支持各种常见的信号类型和电压标准,如±10V、±5V等。
  • 可编程增益和滤波功能,以满足不同应用的需求。

NI SCXI-1104C实物视频:

NI SCXI-1104C实物拍摄图片:

SCXI-1104C (3).jpg

NI SCXI-1104Cproduct details:

Four independent voltage input channels for simultaneously measuring multiple signal sources.

Different measurement ranges can be selected, suitable for the measurement needs of different voltage signals.

High precision and stability ensure accurate measurement results.

Support various common signal types and voltage standards, such as ± 10V, ± 5V, etc.

Programmable gain and filtering functions to meet the needs of different applications.

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ABB YB560103-CE  ABB YT212001-AE ABB YB560103-BE  
ABB YB560103-CHABB YT212001-AF ABB YB560103-BL 
ABB YB560103-CL  ABB YT212001-AL ABB YB560103-BN 
ABB YB560103-CN ABB YT212001-AM ABB YB560103-BR  
ABB YL787001-AE ABB YT212001-AN  ABB YB560103-CA  



+86 15270269218