

+86 15270269218

NI SCXI-1140通道放大器

  • NI SCXI-1140通道放大器
  • NI SCXI-1140通道放大器

NI SCXI-1140通道放大器具有一定的带宽,适用于多种信号类型,包括高频信号。

NI SCXI-1140产品详情:

  1. 信号放大: SCXI-1140 用于放大传感器产生的低电压信号,以便进行更准确的测量。它提供了可调增益,可根据需要放大输入信号。

  2. 差分测量: 通常,它支持差分测量,允许测量信号的差异,以消除来自共模噪声的影响,提高测量精度。

  3. 多通道: SCXI-1140 可能有多个放大通道,使用户能够同时测量多个信号,从而提高了系统的多通道数据采集能力。

  4. 带宽: 它通常具有一定的带宽,适用于多种信号类型,包括高频信号。

  5. 抗干扰性: 该模块通常设计成具有抗干扰特性,以减少外部干扰对测量的影响。

  6. 校准功能: SCXI-1140 可能支持自动或手动校准功能,以确保测量的准确性。

  7. 接口: 通常,它采用 SCXI 接口,与其他 NI SCXI 模块和设备一起使用,构建完整的数据采集系统。

NI SCXI-1140实物视频:

NI SCXI-1140实物拍摄图片:


NI SCXI-1140product details:

Signal amplification: SCXI-1140 is used to amplify the low voltage signal generated by the sensor for more accurate measurements. It provides adjustable gain and can amplify input signals as needed.

Differential measurement: Usually, it supports differential measurement, allowing for differences in measurement signals to eliminate the influence of common mode noise and improve measurement accuracy.

Multi channel: SCXI-1140 may have multiple amplification channels, allowing users to simultaneously measure multiple signals, thereby improving the system's multi-channel data acquisition capability.

Bandwidth: It usually has a certain bandwidth and is suitable for various signal types, including high-frequency signals.

Immunity: This module is usually designed with anti-interference characteristics to reduce the impact of external interference on the measurement.

Calibration function: SCXI-1140 may support automatic or manual calibration functions to ensure measurement accuracy.

Interface: Usually, it uses the SCXI interface and is used in conjunction with other NI SCXI modules and devices to build a complete data collection system.

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+86 15270269218