

+86 15270269218

NI CFP-CB-1继电器输出模块

  • NI CFP-CB-1继电器输出模块
  • NI CFP-CB-1继电器输出模块

NI CFP-CB-1继电器输出模块具有继电器过载保护、电压保护和电流限制等功能,以提高模块和设备的安全性。

NI CFP-CB-1产品详情:

  1. 通道数量:CFP-CB-1 模块通常具有多个继电器输出通道,用于控制外部设备或执行开关操作。具体的通道数量可以根据型号的不同而有所变化。

  2. 继电器类型:继电器类型可能包括单刀单掷(SPST)或双刀双掷(DPDT)等不同类型,以适应不同的应用需求。

  3. 负载能力:模块通常会指定每个继电器通道可以承受的最大负载电流和电压。这是确保模块与所连接设备兼容的重要因素。

  4. 校准:模块支持校准功能,以确保继电器的准确性和可靠性。用户可以定期进行校准,以校正可能的漂移或误差。

  5. 通信接口:它通过标准的数据采集接口(例如,USB、Ethernet、PCIe)连接到计算机或控制系统。

  6. 软件支持:NI 提供了相应的软件工具和驱动程序,用于配置和控制模块,以及执行继电器操作。

  7. 保护和安全功能:一些模块具有继电器过载保护、电压保护和电流限制等功能,以提高模块和设备的安全性。

  8. 应用领域:CFP-CB-1 模块适用于各种应用领域,包括自动化控制系统、实验室设备控制、测试和测量等。

NI CFP-CB-1实物视频:

NI CFP-CB-1实物拍摄图片:

CFP-CB-1 (4).jpg

NI CFP-CB-1product details:

Number of channels: CFP-CB-1 modules typically have multiple relay output channels for controlling external devices or performing switch operations. The specific number of channels can vary depending on the model.

Relay type: Relay types may include different types such as single pole single throw (SPST) or double pole double throw (DPDT) to meet different application requirements.

Load capacity: Modules typically specify the maximum load current and voltage that each relay channel can withstand. This is an important factor in ensuring compatibility between the module and the connected device.

Calibration: The module supports calibration functions to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the relay. Users can perform regular calibration to correct possible drift or errors.

Communication interface: It connects to a computer or control system through standard data acquisition interfaces (such as USB, Ethernet, PCIe).

Software support: NI provides corresponding software tools and drivers for configuring and controlling modules, as well as performing relay operations.

Protection and safety functions: Some modules have functions such as relay overload protection, voltage protection, and current limitation to improve the safety of modules and equipment.

Application field: The CFP-CB-1 module is suitable for various application fields, including automation control systems, laboratory equipment control, testing and measurement, etc.

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ABB YB560103-BN ABB 3HAC17396-1 ABB 3E032455 
ABB YB560103-BR  ABB 3HAC4296-1ABB 3E034013 
ABB YB560103-CA  ABB 3HNE00001-1 ABB 3E034410 
ABB YB560103-CB  ABB 3HNE00010-1 ABB 3E041482 
ABB YB560103-CCABB 3HNE00025-1ABB 3E042145 



+86 15270269218