

+86 15270269218

NI CFP-DO-400离散输出源

  • NI CFP-DO-400离散输出源
  • NI CFP-DO-400离散输出源

NI CFP-DO-400离散输出源提供高精度和可靠性的离散输出,确保输出信号的准确性和稳定性。

NI CFP-DO-400产品详情:

  1. 离散输出通道: CFP-DO-400 模块通常配备多个离散输出通道,用于控制外部设备、开关或执行其他离散输出任务。

  2. 高精度和可靠性: 它通常提供高精度和可靠性的离散输出,确保输出信号的准确性和稳定性。

  3. 开关量输出: 这种模块通常提供开关量输出,可以输出高电平或低电平信号,以触发外部设备的操作。

  4. 电压和电流输出: 有些 CFP-DO-400 模块支持电压和电流输出模式,以适应不同类型的外部设备和控制要求。

  5. 可编程触发: 它通常支持可编程触发功能,用户可以根据特定条件触发离散输出。

  6. LabVIEW 支持: National Instruments 的模块通常与 LabVIEW 软件兼容,可以轻松集成到 LabVIEW 控制和数据采集系统中。

  7. 多种连接选项: 这些模块通常提供多种连接选项,包括插座、端子或连接器,以便与其他设备连接。

  8. 灵活性: CFP-DO-400 模块通常具有灵活的配置选项,用户可以根据其应用需求选择通道数目和输出类型。

NI CFP-DO-400实物视频:

NI CFP-DO-400实物拍摄图片:

CFP-DO-400 (5).jpg

NI CFP-DO-400product details:

Discrete output channels: CFP-DO-400 modules are typically equipped with multiple discrete output channels for controlling external devices, switches, or performing other discrete output tasks.

High precision and reliability: It usually provides high-precision and reliable discrete output, ensuring the accuracy and stability of the output signal.

Switching output: This type of module typically provides switching output, which can output high-level or low-level signals to trigger the operation of external devices.

Voltage and current output: Some CFP-DO-400 modules support voltage and current output modes to adapt to different types of external devices and control requirements.

Programmable trigger: It usually supports programmable trigger function, and users can trigger discrete outputs based on specific conditions.

LabVIEW support: The modules of National Instruments are usually compatible with LabVIEW software and can be easily integrated into LabVIEW control and data collection systems.

Multiple connection options: These modules typically provide multiple connection options, including sockets, terminals, or connectors, for connecting to other devices.

Flexibility: CFP-DO-400 modules typically have flexible configuration options, allowing users to choose the number of channels and output types based on their application needs.

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ABB YB560103-BL ABB YB560103-BD ABB 3HNE00313-1 
ABB YB560103-BN ABB YB560103-BE  ABB 48990001-FK 
ABB YB560103-BR  ABB YB560103-BL ABB 57160001-AA 
ABB YB560103-CA  ABB YB560103-BN ABB 48990001-FK 
ABB YB560103-CB  ABB YB560103-BR  ABB 57160001-AA 



+86 15270269218