

+86 15270269218

BASLER A402KC相机控制模块

  • BASLER A402KC相机控制模块
  • BASLER A402KC相机控制模块

BASLER A402KC相机控制模块具有图像处理功能,可以在相机内部进行一些图像预处理,如去噪、增强等。

BASLER A402KC产品详情:

  1. 相机控制: BASLER A402KC 控制模块用于控制 Basler 相机的不同功能,如曝光时间、增益、白平衡等。

  2. 图像处理: 这些控制模块通常具有图像处理功能,可以在相机内部进行一些图像预处理,如去噪、增强等。

  3. 接口和通信: BASLER A402KC 控制模块通常具备多种接口,如以太网、USB 等,以实现与其他设备的通信和数据传输。

  4. 配置和编程: 这些模块可能具有配置选项和编程接口,可以根据应用需求进行定制化配置和编程。

  5. 触发和同步: BASLER A402KC 控制模块通常支持多种触发模式和同步方式,以确保相机与其他设备之间的同步和协调工作。

  6. 远程控制: 一些控制模块可能支持远程控制功能,允许用户从远程位置对相机进行控制和操作。

  7. 稳定性和可靠性: BASLER 是一家知名的相机制造商,他们的控制模块通常具有高稳定性和可靠性。

BASLER A402KC实物视频:

BASLER A402KC实物拍摄图片:

A402KC -3.jpg

BASLER A402KCproduct details:

Camera control: The BASLER A402KC control module is used to control different functions of the BASLER camera, such as exposure time, gain, white balance, etc.

Image processing: These control modules usually have image processing functions, which can perform some image preprocessing inside the camera, such as denoising, enhancement, etc.

Interface and communication: BASLER A402KC control modules typically have multiple interfaces, such as Ethernet, USB, etc., to achieve communication and data transmission with other devices.

Configuration and programming: These modules may have configuration options and programming interfaces that can be customized according to application requirements.

Trigger and synchronization: The BASLER A402KC control module typically supports multiple trigger modes and synchronization methods to ensure synchronization and coordination between the camera and other devices.

Remote control: Some control modules may support remote control functions, allowing users to control and operate the camera from a remote location.

Stability and reliability: BASLER is a well-known camera manufacturer whose control modules typically have high stability and reliability.

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+86 15270269218