

+86 15270269218

Uniop ETT-VGA-0045触摸屏

  • Uniop ETT-VGA-0045触摸屏
  • Uniop ETT-VGA-0045触摸屏

Uniop ETT-VGA-0045触摸屏具有多种通信接口,以便连接到工业控制系统、PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)或其他设备。

Uniop ETT-VGA-0045产品详情:

  1. 触摸屏技术: Uniop ETT-VGA-0045 触摸屏使用触摸屏技术,允许用户通过触摸屏幕上的图标、按钮和菜单来进行输入和控制。

  2. 屏幕尺寸: 这款触摸屏的尺寸通常会有所变化,但通常在工业应用中会选择合适的屏幕尺寸,以满足特定的应用需求。

  3. 高分辨率显示: 它通常提供高分辨率的显示,以确保图像和文本在屏幕上清晰可见。

  4. 工业级设计: Uniop ETT-VGA-0045触摸屏通常具有工业级设计,以满足恶劣环境下的使用需求,包括耐久性、防尘、防水和抗震性能。

  5. 通信接口: 这种触摸屏通常具有多种通信接口,以便连接到工业控制系统、PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)或其他设备。

  6. 定制界面: 用户可以根据特定应用的需求自定义触摸屏界面,以便快速访问常用功能和数据。

  7. 多点触控: 一些 Uniop ETT-VGA-0045触摸屏支持多点触控技术,允许多个手指同时在屏幕上进行操作。

  8. 工业应用: 这种类型的触摸屏广泛应用于工业自动化领域,包括生产线监控、设备操作、数据可视化和过程控制等应用。

Uniop ETT-VGA-0045实物视频:

Uniop ETT-VGA-0045实物拍摄图片:

ETT-VGA-0045 -2.jpg

Uniop ETT-VGA-0045product details:

Touch screen technology: The Uniop ETT-VGA-0045 touch screen uses touch screen technology, allowing users to input and control by touching icons, buttons, and menus on the screen.

Screen size: The size of this touch screen usually varies, but in industrial applications, a suitable screen size is usually chosen to meet specific application needs.

High resolution display: It typically provides high-resolution display to ensure that images and text are clearly visible on the screen.

Industrial grade design: Uniop touch screens typically have industrial grade design to meet the needs of harsh environments, including durability, dust prevention, waterproofing, and seismic performance.

Communication interface: This type of touch screen typically has multiple communication interfaces for connection to industrial control systems, PLCs (programmable logic controllers), or other devices.

Customized interface: Users can customize the touch screen interface according to specific application requirements, in order to quickly access commonly used functions and data.

Multi touch: Some Uniop touch screens support multi touch technology, allowing multiple fingers to operate simultaneously on the screen.

Industrial applications: This type of touch screen is widely used in the field of industrial automation, including production line monitoring, equipment operation, data visualization, and process control applications.

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+86 15270269218