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LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767控制模块

  • LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767控制模块
  • LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767控制模块
  • LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767控制模块

LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767控制模块具有一定的检测距离,可以根据应用需求进行选择。

LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767产品详情:

  1. 光电传感器:DDLS200200.1-50-M12 是一种光电传感器,用于检测物体的存在、位置或其他特征,通常通过光束的中断来实现。

  2. 工作原理:它通常包括一个发射器和一个接收器,发射器发射光束,当被检测物体中断光束时,接收器会产生信号,指示物体的状态。

  3. 检测距离:这种传感器通常具有一定的检测距离,可以根据应用需求进行选择。

  4. 输出信号:模块通常提供数字输出信号,以指示物体的状态(例如,存在或不存在)。

  5. 耐用性:LEUZE 的传感器通常具有高耐用性,适用于工业环境中的长时间使用。

  6. 安装方式:DDLS200200.1-50-M12 可能具有不同的安装方式,以适应不同的应用场景。

  7. 连接方式:该模块可能带有M12连接器,以便与其他设备进行连接。

  8. 应用领域:这种类型的传感器通常用于自动化系统中的位置检测、物体计数、流水线控制等应用。

LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767实物视频:

LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767实物拍摄图片:

DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767 (2).jpg

DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767 (9).jpg

LEUZE DDLS200200.1-50-M12 50125767product details:

Photoelectric sensor: DDLS2002002000.1-50-M12 is a type of photoelectric sensor used to detect the presence, position, or other features of an object, usually achieved through the interruption of a beam of light.

Working principle: It usually includes a transmitter and a receiver, which emit a beam of light. When the detected object interrupts the beam, the receiver will generate a signal to indicate the state of the object.

Detection distance: This type of sensor usually has a certain detection distance and can be selected according to application requirements.

Output signal: The module usually provides a digital output signal to indicate the state of the object (such as presence or absence).

Durability: LEUZE sensors typically have high durability and are suitable for long-term use in industrial environments.

Installation method: DDLS2002002002.1-50-M12 may have different installation methods to adapt to different application scenarios.

Connection method: This module may have M12 connectors for connection with other devices.

Application field: This type of sensor is commonly used in applications such as position detection, object counting, and pipeline control in automation systems.

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+86 15270269218