

+86 15270269218

TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块

  • TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块
  • TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块

TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块    是一款功能强大、易于使用和配置的工业自动化设备,适用于各种需要高效、稳定、可靠的数字量输出的工业自动化应用场景。

TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块      详情介绍:

  1. TEWS TPMC871-50 是一款接口模块,通常用于连接计算机系统或控制系统与各种外部设备、传感器和通信接口。这种接口模块可能采用不同的接口标准,以实现数据采集、通信和控制功能。

  2. TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块的特点包括:

  3. 符合IEEE P1386.1标准:这表明该模块具有较高的兼容性和广泛的应用范围。
  4. 单宽32位PMC模块:该模块具有32位PMC(Peripheral Module Council)接口,可与其他符合PMC标准的设备进行连接和通信。
  5. PCI 2.1兼容接口:这意味着它可以与符合PCI 2.1标准的计算机系统无缝集成,实现高速数据传输和控制。
  6. 板尺寸:该模块的板尺寸为149mm x 74mm,具有紧凑的尺寸设计,方便在有限的空间内安装和使用。
  7. 可热插拔的PC卡插槽:支持I型和II型存储器和I/O卡,这意味着它可以与各种类型的卡和设备进行通信和数据交换。
  8. PC卡控制器的寄存器映射与Intel 82365-DF兼容:这表明该模块与Intel 82365-DF兼容,可与其他基于Intel 82365-DF的设备进行无缝集成。
  9. 总的来说,TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块是一款功能强大、可靠稳定的工业控制接口模块,能够为企业提供高效、精准的数据采集、通信和控制解决方案,提高生产效率和产品质量。

TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块  实物图片:


TEWS TPMC871-50 接口模块     实物视频

TEWS TPMC871-50 Interface Module Details Introduction:

TEWS TPMC871-50 is an interface module typically used to connect computer systems or control systems with various external devices, sensors, and communication interfaces. This interface module may adopt different interface standards to achieve data acquisition, communication, and control functions.

The characteristics of the TEWS TPMC871-50 interface module include:

Compliant with IEEE P1386.1 standard: This indicates that the module has high compatibility and a wide range of applications.

Single width 32-bit PMC module: This module has a 32-bit PMC (Peripheral Module Council) interface and can connect and communicate with other devices that comply with PMC standards.

PCI 2.1 compatible interface: This means it can seamlessly integrate with computer systems that comply with PCI 2.1 standards, achieving high-speed data transmission and control.

Board size: The board size of this module is 149mm x 74mm, with a compact size design that facilitates installation and use in limited space.

Hot swappable PC card slot: Supports Type I and II memory and I/O cards, which means it can communicate and exchange data with various types of cards and devices.

The register mapping of the PC card controller is compatible with Intel 82365-DF: This indicates that the module is compatible with Intel 82365-DF and can seamlessly integrate with other Intel 82365-DF based devices.

Overall, the TEWS TPMC871-50 interface module is a powerful, reliable, and stable industrial control interface module that can provide enterprises with efficient and accurate data collection, communication, and control solutions, improving production efficiency and product quality.

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+86 15270269218