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VMIC VMIVME-2510B 输入输出模块

  • VMIC VMIVME-2510B  输入输出模块
  • VMIC VMIVME-2510B  输入输出模块
  • VMIC VMIVME-2510B  输入输出模块

VMIC VMIVME-2510B  输入输出模块 是一款64位TTL输入/输出模块,属于VMIC的Megamodule系列,具有通用编程功能。

VMIC VMIVME-2510B  输入输出模块 详情介绍:

  1. VMIC VMIVME-2510B是一款64位TTL输入/输出模块,属于VMIC的Megamodule系列,具有通用编程功能。以下是关于这款输入输出模块的一些主要特性和功能:

  2. 端口编程与接收器能力:每个8位端口的方向都可以单独编程,具有64mA的接收器能力(15mA源)。
  3. 寄存器地址译码:该模块具有控制寄存器和数据寄存器的独立板地址译码功能。
  4. 故障检测与隔离:模块内置了测试逻辑,支持故障检测和隔离。此外,还设计了特定的硬件来支持内置测试功能,并具备离线和在线故障检测和隔离的能力。当板上存在故障时,前面板故障LED会亮起,用于指示故障状态。
  5. I/O连接器与数据传输:该模块采用高可靠性的DIN类型I/O连接器,并支持8位、16位和32位的数据传输。
  6. 内存与地址映射:子系统可以配置为连续的I/O地址,以节省内存。此外,该模块还设计了两套板卡地址开关,为CSR提供高效的内存地址映射和I/O地址。通过设置CSR地址开关,系统中的各种板中的所有CSR都可以映射到连续的存储器位置中。
  7. 这款输入输出模块在工业自动化、控制系统、嵌入式系统等领域有广泛的应用,能够提供可靠、高效的输入输出功能,并支持灵活的地址映射和故障检测。请注意,使用时应遵循相关的操作指南和安全规范,以确保设备的稳定运行和数据的安全传输。

VMIC VMIVME-2510B  输入输出模块 实物图片:


VMIC VMIVME-2510B  输入输出模块 实物视频

VMIC VMIVME-2510B Input/Output Module Details Introduction:

VMIC VMIVME-2510B is a 64 bit TTL input/output module belonging to the Megamodule series of VMIC, with universal programming functionality. The following are some main features and functions of this input/output module:

Port programming and receiver capability: The direction of each 8-bit port can be programmed separately, with a receiver capability of 64mA (15mA source).

Register address decoding: This module has independent board address decoding functions for control registers and data registers.

Fault detection and isolation: The module has built-in testing logic, supporting fault detection and isolation. In addition, specific hardware has been designed to support built-in testing functions and have the ability to detect and isolate faults both offline and online. When there is a fault on the board, the front panel fault LED will light up to indicate the fault status.

I/O connector and data transmission: This module adopts a highly reliable DIN type I/O connector and supports 8-bit, 16 bit, and 32-bit data transmission.

Memory and address mapping: Subsystems can be configured with continuous I/O addresses to save memory. In addition, the module also designs two sets of board address switches to provide efficient memory address mapping and I/O addresses for CSR. By setting the CSR address switch, all CSR in various boards in the system can be mapped to consecutive memory locations.

This input-output module has a wide range of applications in industrial automation, control systems, embedded systems, and other fields, providing reliable and efficient input-output functions, and supporting flexible address mapping and fault detection. Please note that relevant operating guidelines and safety regulations should be followed during use to ensure stable operation of the equipment and secure transmission of data.

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+86 15270269218