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PARKER 87-008145-03 伺服电机驱动器

  • PARKER 87-008145-03 伺服电机驱动器
  • PARKER 87-008145-03 伺服电机驱动器
  • PARKER 87-008145-03 伺服电机驱动器

PARKER 87-008145-03 伺服电机驱动器    是一款由ABB公司生产的特定型号产品,主要用于电力系统监控和测量,特别适用于直流调速系统。在直流调速系统中,中压板通常用于控制和调节电机的速度,通过改变电机的电压或电流来实现对电机速度的控制。

PARKER 87-008145-03 伺服电机驱动器    详情介绍:

PARKER 87-008145-03伺服电机驱动器是一款具有多种显著特点的高性能驱动设备。


其次,该驱动器在性能上表现出色。其速度范围可达0-6000 rpm,扭矩范围在0-2.3 Nm之间,为机械设备提供了强大的驱动力。同时,其IP65的保护等级确保了其在各种恶劣环境中的稳定运行。

此外,该驱动器还具有易于使用的特点。其设计简洁,安装快捷,使得用户可以轻松地进行设备的安装和配置。同时,其重量仅为3.5 kg,使得它在移动设备或需要轻量化应用的场合中具有优势。


综上所述,PARKER 87-008145-03伺服电机驱动器以其广泛的适用性、出色的性能、易于使用的特点以及先进的密封设计,为工业自动化领域提供了高效、可靠的驱动解决方案。

PARKER 87-008145-03 伺服电机驱动器    实物图片:


PARKER 87-008145-03 伺服电机驱动器     实物视频

PARKER 87-008145-03 servo motor driver details introduction:

PARKER 87-008145-03 servo motor driver is a high-performance driving device with multiple significant features.

Firstly, it has a wide range of applicability and can be applied in fields such as packaging, textile, printing, electronics, machine tools, etc. It is used to control various mechanical equipment, such as robots, CNC machine tools, printing machines, packaging machines, textile machines, etc. This wide applicability enables the driver to meet various industrial automation needs.

Secondly, the drive performs excellently in terms of performance. Its speed range can reach 0-6000 rpm and torque range is between 0-2.3 Nm, providing strong driving force for mechanical equipment. Meanwhile, its IP65 protection level ensures its stable operation in various harsh environments.

In addition, the drive also features ease of use. Its design is simple and easy to install, allowing users to easily install and configure devices. Meanwhile, its weight is only 3.5 kg, giving it an advantage in mobile devices or situations that require lightweight applications.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the driver also adopts advanced heat shrink systems and engineering flange sealing designs. Cleaning the sealing cap can achieve safe sealing, reduce the complexity of the cap, and can seal multiple end configurations and sizes. The engineering flange sealing design provides a consistently strong sealing retention force, ensuring safety and reliability in high-pressure applications.

In summary, the PARKER 87-008145-03 servo motor driver provides an efficient and reliable driving solution for the industrial automation field with its wide applicability, excellent performance, easy-to-use characteristics, and advanced sealing design.

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+86 15270269218