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AGILENT E1413C 扫描模数转换器

  • AGILENT E1413C  扫描模数转换器

AGILENT E1413C  扫描模数转换器 是一款高速64通道扫描模数转换器。其性能卓越,每秒能够扫描多达100,000个通道,并且自动调整量程,将读数转换为工程单位(EU)。这种高效的扫描速度和处理能力使得E1413C在需要快速数据采集和处理的场景中表现出色。

AGILENT E1413C  扫描模数转换器 详情介绍:

Agilent E1413C是一款高速64通道扫描模数转换器。其性能卓越,每秒能够扫描多达100,000个通道,并且自动调整量程,将读数转换为工程单位(EU)。这种高效的扫描速度和处理能力使得E1413C在需要快速数据采集和处理的场景中表现出色。


在数据表示方面,所有读数都以IEEE 754、32位浮点格式通过EU转换或作为输入电压返回到FIFO和CVT,确保了数据的精确性和兼容性。

E1413C提供了灵活的通道选择功能,由四个扫描列表控制,每个列表最多可包含1,024个频道分配。此外,还有一个名为“List of Lists”的列表,它可以引用每个扫描列表(1到4)高达1,024次,进一步增强了通道的灵活配置能力。




总的来说,Agilent E1413C是一款功能强大、性能卓越的高速64通道扫描模数转换器,适用于需要高精度、高速度数据采集和处理的应用场景。无论是工业自动化、科学研究还是其他需要快速数据采集的领域,E1413C都能提供出色的性能和灵活性。

AGILENT E1413C  扫描模数转换器  实物图片:


AGILENT E1413C  扫描模数转换器  实物视频

AGILENT E1413C Scanning Analog to Digital Converter Details Introduction:

Agilent E1413C is a high-speed 64 channel scanning analog-to-digital converter. Its performance is outstanding, capable of scanning up to 100000 channels per second and automatically adjusting the range, converting readings into engineering units (EU). This efficient scanning speed and processing capability make E1413C perform well in scenarios that require fast data collection and processing.

The reading stream of this converter is routed to a FIFO buffer with 65024 readings, ensuring fast data processing and storage. Meanwhile, new readings for each of the 64 channels can be quickly accessed from the current value table (CVT), further improving the efficiency of data access.

In terms of data representation, all readings are converted to IEEE 754, 32-bit floating-point format through EU conversion or returned to FIFO and CVT as input voltage, ensuring data accuracy and compatibility.

E1413C provides flexible channel selection function, controlled by four scanning lists, each list can contain up to 1024 channel assignments. In addition, there is a list called "List of Lists" that can reference each scan list (1 to 4) up to 1024 times, further enhancing the flexibility of channel configuration.

In order to meet the needs of different application scenarios, E1413C also provides onboard calibration sources, allowing online, single command, and full channel calibration. This calibration function ensures the accuracy and stability of the converter, and can maintain high performance even in long-term operation or environmental changes.

In addition, E1413C can also compensate for system wiring offset, further improving the accuracy of data. Meanwhile, it can accept any combination of up to eight signal conditioning plugins (SCPs), providing great flexibility for signal processing and regulation.

In order to facilitate user access and control of these functions, E1413C supports access using SCPI and compiled SCPI tool languages. This allows users to easily configure, monitor, and control converters to meet various complex application requirements.

Overall, the Agilent E1413C is a powerful and high-performance high-speed 64 channel scanning analog-to-digital converter, suitable for applications that require high-precision and high-speed data acquisition and processing. Whether in industrial automation, scientific research, or other fields that require rapid data collection, E1413C can provide excellent performance and flexibility.

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+86 15270269218