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RADISYS SBC38612单板计算机

  • RADISYS SBC38612单板计算机
  • RADISYS SBC38612单板计算机
  • RADISYS SBC38612单板计算机

RADISYS SBC38612单板计算机是一种用于扩展和连接模块化计算系统的硬件组件

RADISYS SBC38612单板计算机详情介绍:

Radisys SBC38612 单板计算机是一款集成化的计算设备,广泛应用于工业控制、嵌入式系统和自动化领域。该单板计算机结合了高性能处理能力和丰富的I/O接口,适用于多种严苛的应用环境。


  1. 高性能处理

    • 处理器:配备高效能的处理器,能够应对复杂的计算任务和实时处理需求。
    • 内存:支持足够的内存容量,保证数据处理的快速和稳定。
  2. 丰富的I/O接口

    • 多种接口:提供丰富的I/O接口,包括USB、串口、以太网、GPIO等,便于与各种外设和设备连接。
    • 扩展能力:支持额外的扩展插槽,用于添加更多功能模块。
  3. 坚固耐用

    • 工业级设计:采用坚固的工业级材料,能够在恶劣环境下可靠运行。
    • 抗干扰能力:具备良好的抗电磁干扰和抗震动能力,确保系统稳定。
  4. 低功耗

    • 节能设计:优化的电源管理设计,减少能源消耗,适合长时间连续运行的应用。
  5. 操作系统支持

    • 多操作系统兼容:支持多种操作系统,如Windows Embedded、Linux等,提供灵活的软件环境。


  1. 工业自动化

    • 过程控制:用于工业生产线的过程控制,提升生产效率和产品质量。
    • 设备监控:在工业设备中用于实时监控和数据采集,保障设备运行状态。
  2. 嵌入式系统

    • 智能终端:用于各种智能终端设备,如自助服务终端、信息亭等,提供强大的计算和控制能力。
    • 物联网:在物联网设备中作为核心控制单元,实现设备互联和数据处理。
  3. 交通运输

    • 车载系统:用于车载控制系统,支持车辆的自动化控制和数据处理。
    • 智能交通:在智能交通系统中应用,控制交通信号和监控设备。
  4. 医疗设备

    • 成像系统:用于医疗成像设备的控制和数据处理,提供高质量的图像。
    • 诊断设备:在医疗诊断设备中实现数据采集和处理,提升诊断精度。
  5. 通讯系统

    • 网络设备:用于网络交换机、路由器等设备中,提供高效的数据处理和传输能力。
    • 基站控制:在电信基站中用于控制和管理通信信号。
  6. 航空航天

    • 飞行控制:用于飞行控制系统,实现精确的导航和控制。
    • 地面站:在地面站设备中应用,支持数据处理和通信管理。
  7. 能源管理

    • 智能电网:用于智能电网的控制和数据管理,提升电力系统的效率和稳定性。
    • 可再生能源:在可再生能源设备中应用,支持风能、太阳能等能源的控制和管理。


Radisys SBC38612 单板计算机因其高性能、丰富的接口和坚固的设计,广泛应用于各种需要可靠性和高效能的领域。

  • 实物图片


english introduction:

The Radisys SBC38612 single board computer is an integrated computing device widely used in industrial control, embedded systems, and automation fields. This single board computer combines high-performance processing capabilities and rich I/O interfaces, making it suitable for a variety of harsh application environments.

Main characteristics

High performance processing:

Processor: Equipped with high-performance processors that can handle complex computing tasks and real-time processing requirements.

Memory: Supports sufficient memory capacity to ensure fast and stable data processing.

Rich I/O interfaces:

Multiple interfaces: Provides rich I/O interfaces, including USB, serial port, Ethernet, GPIO, etc., for easy connection with various peripherals and devices.

Scalability: Supports additional expansion slots for adding more functional modules.


Industrial grade design: Made of sturdy industrial grade materials, capable of reliable operation in harsh environments.

Anti interference capability: It has good resistance to electromagnetic interference and vibration, ensuring system stability.

Low power consumption:

Energy saving design: Optimized power management design to reduce energy consumption, suitable for applications that operate continuously for long periods of time.

Operating system support:

Multi operating system compatibility: Supports multiple operating systems such as Windows Embedded, Linux, etc., providing a flexible software environment.

application area 

Industrial automation:

Process control: used for process control in industrial production lines to improve production efficiency and product quality.

Equipment monitoring: Used for real-time monitoring and data collection in industrial equipment to ensure the operation status of the equipment.

Embedded system:

Intelligent terminal: used for various intelligent terminal devices, such as self-service terminals, information kiosks, etc., providing powerful computing and control capabilities.

Internet of Things: As the core control unit in IoT devices, it enables device interconnection and data processing.


In car system: used for in car control system, supporting automatic control and data processing of vehicles.

Intelligent transportation: applied in intelligent transportation systems to control traffic signals and monitoring devices.

Medical equipment:

Imaging system: used for controlling and processing medical imaging equipment, providing high-quality images.

Diagnostic equipment: Implement data collection and processing in medical diagnostic equipment to improve diagnostic accuracy.

Communication system:

Network equipment: used in network switches, routers, and other devices to provide efficient data processing and transmission capabilities.

Base station control: Used in telecommunications base stations to control and manage communication signals.


Flight control: used in flight control systems to achieve precise navigation and control.

Ground Station: Applied in ground station equipment, supporting data processing and communication management.

Energy Management:

Smart Grid: Used for the control and data management of the smart grid, improving the efficiency and stability of the power system.

Renewable energy: Applied in renewable energy equipment to support the control and management of energy sources such as wind and solar power.


The Radisys SBC38612 single board computer is widely used in various fields that require reliability and high performance due to its high performance, rich interfaces, and robust design.

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+86 15270269218