

+86 15270269218

RadiSys 879-8103-002 印刷电路板

  • RadiSys  879-8103-002 印刷电路板
  • RadiSys  879-8103-002 印刷电路板
  • RadiSys  879-8103-002 印刷电路板
  • RadiSys  879-8103-002 印刷电路板

RadiSys  879-8103-002 印刷电路板是 RadiSys 公司生产的用于其工业计算机和通信系统的一个关键组件。

RadiSys  879-8103-002 印刷电路板详情介绍:

RadiSys 879-8103-002 印刷电路板 是 RadiSys 公司生产的用于其工业计算机和通信系统的一个关键组件。以下是有关该印刷电路板(PCB)的详细信息:


  1. 高性能设计

    • 设计用于提供高可靠性和稳定性,满足各种工业应用的需求。
    • 采用高质量的材料和制造工艺,确保长时间运行的可靠性。
  2. 模块化

    • PCB通常用于支持模块化设计,可以与其他硬件组件一起使用,提供灵活的系统配置。
  3. 接口和扩展

    • 提供多种接口选项,用于连接其他电子组件和系统。
    • 可能包括以太网接口、串行端口、PCIe插槽等,具体接口配置取决于电路板的具体应用和设计。
  4. 兼容性

    • 设计与RadiSys的其他硬件和系统兼容,确保无缝集成和操作。
    • 适用于多种RadiSys产品和解决方案,包括计算机和网络系统。
  5. 工业标准

    • 符合工业标准,适用于各种恶劣环境和应用场景。
    • 提供耐高温、抗振动和防尘功能,以适应工业环境的挑战。


  1. 尺寸和形状

    • 尺寸: 具体尺寸取决于设计和应用要求。
    • 形状: 标准化的PCB设计,以适应安装要求和机箱布局。
  2. 电气参数

    • 电源要求: 通常根据板上组件的需求提供特定的电压和电流。
    • 功耗: 具体功耗取决于电路板上的组件和功能。
  3. 接口

    • 以太网接口: 支持网络连接和数据传输。
    • 串行接口: 支持串行通信协议(如RS-232、RS-485)。
    • 扩展插槽: 支持PCIe或其他扩展卡的安装(具体取决于设计)。
  4. 环境条件

    • 工作温度范围: 通常为0°C至+60°C或根据应用环境要求。
    • 存储温度范围: -20°C至+85°C
    • 湿度: 5%至95%非冷凝

    RadiSys  879-8103-002 印刷电路板实物图片


    english introduction:

    The RadiSys 879-8103-002 printed circuit board is a critical component produced by RadiSys for its industrial computer and communication systems. The following is detailed information about the printed circuit board (PCB):

    main features 

    High performance design

    Designed to provide high reliability and stability, meeting the needs of various industrial applications.

    Using high-quality materials and manufacturing processes to ensure long-term reliability.


    PCBs are typically used to support modular design and can be used with other hardware components to provide flexible system configurations.

    Interfaces and extensions

    Provide multiple interface options for connecting other electronic components and systems.

    This may include Ethernet interfaces, serial ports, PCIe slots, etc. The specific interface configuration depends on the specific application and design of the circuit board.


    Design compatibility with other hardware and systems of RadiSys to ensure seamless integration and operation.

    Suitable for various RadiSys products and solutions, including computer and network systems.

    Industrial standards

    Compliant with industrial standards, suitable for various harsh environments and application scenarios.

    Provide high temperature resistance, vibration resistance, and dust prevention functions to adapt to the challenges of industrial environments.

    technical specifications

    Size and shape

    Size: The specific size depends on the design and application requirements.

    Shape: Standardized PCB design to meet installation requirements and chassis layout.

    Electrical parameters

    Power requirements: Typically, specific voltage and current are provided based on the requirements of the components on the board.

    Power consumption: The specific power consumption depends on the components and functions on the circuit board.


    Ethernet interface: supports network connection and data transmission.

    Serial interface: Supports serial communication protocols such as RS-232 and RS-485.

    Expansion slot: Supports installation of PCIe or other expansion cards (depending on design).

    environment condition

    Working temperature range: usually from 0 ° C to+60 ° C or depending on the application environment requirements.

    Storage temperature range: -20 ° C to+85 ° C

    Humidity: 5% to 95% non condensing

    RadiSys  879-8103-002 印刷电路板相关产品:

    216EA61B HESG448230R1/G  digital input module

     UNIROL1010 3BHE035301R0001 Excitation controller

     129740-002 Intellint module

    RadiSys EXM-15A 控制板

    RadiSys EXM-10A磁盘控制器

    RadiSys 61-0654-22视频模块

    PMA42Q-01100-00AMAT  0100-00567PFRL101A
    PMA45Q-10100-00AMAT 0100-00177PFRL101A 0.5KN
    PMA230-1050B-02AMAT 0100-02393PFRL101B
    PMA43N-10100-00AMAT 0100-02167PFRL101C
    PMA45N-01100-00AMAT 0100-35263PFRL101D
    PMA22S-01100-00AMAT  0041-39086PFRL101D 5KN
    PMA43Q-Y0100-02AMAT 0100-77043PFTC 101X


    +86 15270269218