

+86 15270269218


  • RADISYS EXM-MX80扩展内存模块
  • RADISYS EXM-MX80扩展内存模块

RADISYS EXM-MX80扩展内存模块  是一种用于增加系统内存容量的扩展模块,通常用于高性能计算和工业应用的服务器或计算机系统中。

RADISYS EXM-MX80扩展内存模块  详情介绍:

Radisys EXM-MX80 扩展内存模块 是一种用于增加系统内存容量的扩展模块,通常用于高性能计算和工业应用的服务器或计算机系统中。以下是关于此模块的一些详细信息:


  1. 高容量扩展

    • 内存容量: 提供额外的内存容量,支持系统在需要时能够处理更多的数据和运行更复杂的应用程序。
    • 模块化设计: 允许用户根据需求扩展内存,灵活满足不同的计算需求。
  2. 兼容性

    • 系统兼容性: 设计用于与特定的Radisys系统或兼容的服务器平台配合使用,确保无缝集成。
    • 标准接口: 采用标准的内存接口,确保与现有系统的兼容性和稳定性。
  3. 高性能

    • 数据传输速率: 提供高数据传输速率,以支持高速计算和数据处理需求。
    • 低延迟: 优化的内存设计,减少数据访问延迟,提高系统的响应速度和整体性能。
  4. 可靠性和稳定性

    • 高质量材料: 使用高质量的内存芯片和材料,确保长期的可靠性和稳定性。
    • 容错设计: 包括错误检测和纠正功能(ECC),提高内存的可靠性,减少数据损坏的风险。
  5. 易于安装和维护

    • 模块化: 设计为可插拔模块,简化安装和维护过程。
    • 用户指南: 提供详细的用户指南和安装说明,确保用户能够正确安装和配置内存模块。


  1. 容量

    • 内存容量: 根据模块的具体型号和配置,提供不同的内存容量选项。
  2. 接口

    • 内存接口: 采用标准的内存接口,如DIMM(双列直插内存模块)或其他兼容接口。
  3. 性能

    • 数据传输速率: 提供高数据传输速率,具体取决于内存模块的设计和规格。
    • 时序和延迟: 优化的时序和延迟,以提升系统的整体性能。
  4. 电气参数

    • 工作电压: 设计支持特定的工作电压范围,确保与系统的兼容性。
    • 功耗: 低功耗设计,减少对系统电源的负担。
  5. 物理尺寸

    • 尺寸和形状: 设计符合标准尺寸和形状,以便与系统主板或插槽兼容。

    RADISYS EXM-MX80扩展内存模块实物图片:


    english introduction:

    The Radisys EXM-MX80 Extended Memory Module is an expansion module used to increase system memory capacity, typically in servers or computer systems for high-performance computing and industrial applications. Here are some detailed information about this module:

    main features 

    High capacity expansion

    Memory capacity: Provides additional memory capacity to support the system in processing more data and running more complex applications when needed.

    Modular design: allows users to expand memory according to their needs and flexibly meet different computing requirements.


    System compatibility: Designed to work with specific Radisys systems or compatible server platforms to ensure seamless integration.

    Standard interface: Using standard memory interfaces to ensure compatibility and stability with existing systems.

    High performance

    Data transmission rate: Provides high data transmission rates to support high-speed computing and data processing needs.

    Low latency: Optimized memory design reduces data access latency, improves system response speed and overall performance.

    Reliability and stability

    High quality materials: Use high-quality memory chips and materials to ensure long-term reliability and stability.

    Fault tolerant design: including error detection and correction function (ECC), improving memory reliability and reducing the risk of data corruption.

    Easy to install and maintain

    Modularization: Designed as a pluggable module to simplify installation and maintenance processes.

    User Guide: Provides detailed user guides and installation instructions to ensure that users can correctly install and configure memory modules.

    technical specifications


    Memory capacity: Different memory capacity options are provided based on the specific model and configuration of the module.


    Memory interface: Using standard memory interfaces such as DIMM (Dual In Line Memory Module) or other compatible interfaces.


    Data transfer rate: Provides high data transfer rates, depending on the design and specifications of the memory module.

    Timing and latency: Optimized timing and latency to enhance the overall performance of the system.

    Electrical parameters

    Working voltage: Designed to support specific working voltage ranges, ensuring compatibility with the system.

    Power consumption: Low power design reduces the burden on the system power supply.

    Physical dimensions

    Size and Shape: Designed to conform to standard sizes and shapes for compatibility with system motherboards or slots.

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    +86 15270269218