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RADISYS 135837-008 通讯模块

  • RADISYS 135837-008 通讯模块

RADISYS 135837-008 通讯模块  是一种用于工业和嵌入式系统的通讯模块,设计用于提供可靠的数据传输和通信功能。

RADISYS 135837-008 通讯模块  详情介绍:

RADISYS 135837-008 通讯模块 是一种用于工业和嵌入式系统的通讯模块,设计用于提供可靠的数据传输和通信功能。以下是该通讯模块的详细信息,包括主要特点、技术规格和应用领域:


  1. 高效数据传输

    • 通信协议支持: 支持多种通信协议,如Ethernet、串口、CAN bus等,满足不同系统的通信需求。
    • 数据速率: 提供高速数据传输能力,确保实时数据交换和处理。
  2. 稳定性和可靠性

    • 工业级设计: 设计符合工业标准,能够在高温、震动和湿度等恶劣环境下稳定运行。
    • 抗干扰性: 具备良好的抗干扰能力,保证数据传输的稳定性和准确性。
  3. 灵活性和扩展性

    • 模块化设计: 模块化设计方便集成和维护,可与其他设备和系统进行灵活配合。
    • 接口丰富: 配备多种接口,如RJ45以太网接口、RS-232/RS-485串口等,支持广泛的外部设备连接。
  4. 易于配置

    • 配置工具: 提供配置工具和软件支持,简化模块的配置和管理。
    • 用户友好: 易于安装和调试,支持快速上手和应用。


  1. 通信接口

    • 以太网: 通常支持10/100/1000 Mbps的以太网接口,用于网络连接。
    • 串口: 提供RS-232/RS-485串口,用于串行通信。
    • CAN bus: 支持CAN bus接口,用于控制和数据采集系统中的通信。
  2. 电源要求

    • 电压范围: 通常支持标准工业电压范围,如12V DC、24V DC等。
    • 功耗: 功耗设计为低功耗,适应各种工业环境的需求。
  3. 工作环境

    • 工作温度: 设计能够在宽广的温度范围内工作,如-20°C至+60°C。
    • 湿度: 适应高湿度环境,通常提供防潮功能。
  4. 尺寸和安装

    • 尺寸: 紧凑设计,方便集成到各种设备和系统中。
    • 安装方式: 支持多种安装方式,如DIN轨道安装或机架安装。
  5. 支持的软件和协议

    • 协议支持: 支持常见的通信协议,如TCP/IP、Modbus、Profibus等。
    • 管理软件: 提供用于配置和管理的支持软件,简化系统配置和监控。

RADISYS 135837-008 通讯模块 实物图片:


english introduction:

The Radisys RMS420-C610-03 flexible display is a display designed specifically for industrial and embedded applications, featuring flexible display technology to adapt to various installation and usage environments. The following is detailed information about the monitor, including its main features, technical specifications, and application areas:

main features 

Flexible Display Technology

Flexible panel: Adopting a flexible display panel that can bend and deform to adapt to different installation environments and design requirements.

Lightweight design: The panel is lightweight and easy to use in environments with limited space.

High resolution display

Clear image quality: Provides high-resolution display to ensure clear and readable images and text.

Color accuracy: Supports high color gamut and color accuracy, suitable for demanding visual applications.

Wide application support

Rich interfaces: Supports multiple video interfaces such as VGA, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, etc., compatible with multiple input devices.

Strong compatibility: It can be compatible with various embedded systems and controllers, adapting to different application requirements.


Durable design: Designed to withstand vibrations and impacts that may be encountered in industrial environments.

Protective function: It has dust-proof, waterproof and other protective functions to improve reliability in harsh environments.

Flexible installation

Multiple installation methods: Provides multiple installation options, supports panel embedding, wall mounting, and other installation methods.

Easy to adjust: Supports adjusting angles and positions to meet different display needs.

technical specifications

Display panel

Type: Flexible OLED or LCD display panel (depending on the model).

Size: The specific size is 42 inches, depending on the model.

Resolution: Supports high-resolution display, such as 1920x1080 (Full HD) or higher.


Video interface: Supports VGA, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort and other interfaces.

Audio interface: may include audio input/output interfaces (depending on the model).

Power requirements

Voltage: Supports standard voltage input, such as 12V DC or 24V DC.

Power consumption: The power consumption depends on the size and brightness settings of the display.

Environmental adaptability

Working temperature: Suitable for a wide range of working temperatures, such as -20 ° C to+60 ° C.

Humidity: Designed to adapt to high humidity environments, the specific humidity range depends on the model.

physical characteristics

Thickness: Thin design to adapt to environments with limited space.

Weight: Lightweight design, easy to install and maintain.

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PMB31B-10216-01AMAT 0090-A8211PXUB201
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+86 15270269218