

+86 15270269218

RADISYS 60-0147-02接口模块

  • RADISYS 60-0147-02接口模块
  • RADISYS 60-0147-02接口模块

RADISYS 60-0147-02接口模块 是一款接口模块,通常用于工业和通信系统中,以提供各种接口功能和扩展能力。

RADISYS 60-0147-02接口模块 详情介绍:

Radisys 60-0147-02 是一款接口模块,通常用于工业和通信系统中,以提供各种接口功能和扩展能力。以下是有关此接口模块的一些详细信息:


  1. 接口功能

    • 以太网接口:通常提供多个 Gigabit Ethernet 端口,用于高速度网络通信和数据传输。
    • 串行接口:包括 RS-232、RS-422 或 RS-485 串口,用于串行数据通信,适合连接各种设备和控制器。
    • USB 接口:可能包括 USB 2.0 或 USB 3.0 接口,用于连接外部设备和存储设备。
  2. 协议支持

    • 网络协议:支持常见的网络协议如 TCP/IP、UDP、Modbus 等,以便于数据交换和网络集成。
    • 串行协议:支持标准串行通信协议,用于设备和系统的控制和数据传输。
  3. 扩展功能

    • 扩展插槽:可能配备 PCIe 或其他扩展插槽,用于添加额外的功能模块或卡片。
    • 管理功能:提供网络和串行接口的监控和管理功能,包括流量分析、错误检测和配置管理。
  4. 数据处理

    • 处理能力:模块可能配备处理器和缓存,用于高效的数据处理和传输。
    • 数据缓存:支持内存缓存功能,以提升数据传输效率和可靠性。
  5. 设计和建设

    • 尺寸和形状:设计通常符合标准机架或嵌入式系统框架,便于集成和安装。
    • 材料:采用高质量电子材料,确保模块的稳定性和耐用性。


  • 工业自动化:用于工业控制系统中,提供连接各种设备和控制器的接口。
  • 通信系统:作为通信系统中的关键组件,提供网络和串行接口功能,支持数据交换和网络连接。
  • 数据采集:在数据采集系统中提供多种接口,用于连接传感器和其他数据源。
  • 嵌入式系统:用于各种嵌入式应用,提供必要的通信和接口功能。

RADISYS 60-0147-02接口模块 实物图片:


english introduction:

Radisys 60-0147-02 is an interface module commonly used in industrial and communication systems to provide various interface functions and expansion capabilities. Here are some detailed information about this interface module:

main features 

Interface function:

Ethernet interface: typically provides multiple Gigabit Ethernet ports for high-speed network communication and data transmission.

Serial interface: including RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 serial ports, used for serial data communication, suitable for connecting various devices and controllers.

USB interface: may include USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 interfaces, used to connect external devices and storage devices.

Protocol support:

Network Protocol: Supports common network protocols such as TCP/IP, UDP, Modbus, etc. for data exchange and network integration.

Serial Protocol: Supports standard serial communication protocols for control and data transmission of devices and systems.

Extended functions:

Expansion slots: may be equipped with PCIe or other expansion slots for adding additional functional modules or cards.

Management function: Provides monitoring and management functions for network and serial interfaces, including traffic analysis, error detection, and configuration management.

Data processing:

Processing capability: Modules may be equipped with processors and caches for efficient data processing and transmission.

Data caching: Supports memory caching function to improve data transmission efficiency and reliability.

Design and Construction:

Size and shape: The design typically conforms to standard racks or embedded system frameworks, making it easy to integrate and install.

Material: High quality electronic materials are used to ensure the stability and durability of the module.

application area 

Industrial automation: used in industrial control systems to provide interfaces for connecting various devices and controllers.

Communication system: As a key component in the communication system, it provides network and serial interface functions, supports data exchange and network connections.

Data collection: Provide multiple interfaces in the data collection system for connecting sensors and other data sources.

Embedded system: Used for various embedded applications, providing necessary communication and interface functions.

RADISYS 60-0147-02接口模块 相关产品:

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PMA43P-00100-00AMAT 0100-00156PFEA113-IP65 3BSE050092R65
PMA42Q-01100-00AMAT  0100-00567PFRL101A
PMA45Q-10100-00AMAT 0100-00177PFRL101A 0.5KN
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PMA22S-01100-00AMAT  0041-39086PFRL101D 5KN
PMA43Q-Y0100-02AMAT 0100-77043PFTC 101X
PMA45R-00100-00AMAT 0100-00127PFTL 101A-0.5


+86 15270269218