

+86 15270269218

Radisys 067-11384-0000端口模块

  • Radisys 067-11384-0000端口模块
  • Radisys 067-11384-0000端口模块
  • Radisys 067-11384-0000端口模块

Radisys 067-11384-0000端口模块 是一款端口模块,设计用于 Radisys 的电信和通信系统,特别是在 ATCA(Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture)系统中。

Radisys 067-11384-0000端口模块 详情介绍:

Radisys 067-11384-0000 是一款端口模块,设计用于 Radisys 的电信和通信系统,特别是在 ATCA(Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture)系统中。此模块用于提供网络端口连接功能,支持高性能的数据交换和通信。以下是该端口模块的详细信息和主要特点:


  1. 高性能端口

    • 提供高速的数据传输和连接能力,适合处理大规模的网络流量。
    • 支持多种网络协议和接口标准,以满足不同的通信需求。
  2. 模块化设计

    • 采用模块化设计,方便与其他 ATCA 模块集成,支持系统的灵活配置和扩展。
    • 设计紧凑,适合在标准的机架式机箱中安装。
  3. 多种接口选项

    • 提供多种接口类型,如以太网、光纤等,满足不同的连接需求。
    • 可能包括不同速度的接口选项,如10GbE、40GbE等。
  4. 高可靠性

    • 设计用于工业和通信环境,具有高耐用性和可靠性。
    • 确保在严苛条件下稳定运行,减少系统故障和中断。
  5. 易于维护

    • 模块化设计简化了维护和更换过程,减少了系统停机时间。
    • 提供清晰的接口标识,方便安装和故障排查。


  • 型号:067-11384-0000
  • 接口类型
    • 可能支持多种接口,如以太网接口(10GbE、40GbE等)、光纤接口等。
    • 支持高速数据传输,适合高性能网络需求。
  • 兼容性
    • 设计用于与 Radisys 的 ATCA 系统和其他模块兼容。
    • 确保与现有系统的兼容性和无缝集成。
  • 工作环境
    • 适用于标准的机架式机箱,符合 ATCA 标准。
    • 工作温度和湿度范围根据设计规范适应工业环境。

Radisys 067-11384-0000端口模块 实物图片:


english introduction:

Radisys 067-11384-0000 is a port module designed for use in Radisys' telecommunications and communication systems, particularly in ATCA (Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture) systems. This module is used to provide network port connection functionality, supporting high-performance data exchange and communication. The following is the detailed information and main features of the port module:

main features 

High performance ports:

Provide high-speed data transmission and connectivity capabilities, suitable for handling large-scale network traffic.

Support multiple network protocols and interface standards to meet different communication needs.

Modular design:

Adopting modular design, it is convenient to integrate with other ATCA modules and supports flexible configuration and expansion of the system.

Compact design, suitable for installation in standard rack mounted chassis.

Multiple interface options:

Provide multiple interface types, such as Ethernet, fiber optic, etc., to meet different connection requirements.

This may include interface options for different speeds, such as 10GbE, 40GbE, etc.

High reliability:

Designed for industrial and communication environments, it has high durability and reliability.

Ensure stable operation under harsh conditions, reducing system failures and interruptions.

Easy to maintain:

Modular design simplifies maintenance and replacement processes, reducing system downtime.

Provide clear interface identification for easy installation and troubleshooting.

technical specifications

Model: 067-11384-0000

Interface type:

It may support multiple interfaces, such as Ethernet interfaces (10GbE, 40GbE, etc.), fiber optic interfaces, etc.

Supports high-speed data transmission, suitable for high-performance network requirements.


Designed to be compatible with Radisys' ATCA system and other modules.

Ensure compatibility and seamless integration with existing systems.

Work environment:

Suitable for standard rack mounted chassis, compliant with ATCA standards.

The working temperature and humidity range are adapted to the industrial environment according to the design specifications.

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+86 15270269218