

+86 15270269218

Radisys EM2G03-0-0单板计算机

  • Radisys EM2G03-0-0单板计算机
  • Radisys EM2G03-0-0单板计算机
  • Radisys EM2G03-0-0单板计算机

Radisys EM2G03-0-0单板计算机  是一款高性能的单板计算机(SBC),通常用于工业和通信领

Radisys EM2G03-0-0单板计算机  详情介绍: 

Radisys EM2G03-0-0 是一款高性能的单板计算机(SBC),通常用于工业和通信领域。以下是一些主要特点和规格:


  1. 处理器: 通常配备高性能的处理器,如Intel的x86架构处理器,提供强大的计算能力。
  2. 内存: 支持高容量的内存选项,以满足各种应用需求。
  3. 存储: 内置存储选项,通常包括闪存和/或固态硬盘(SSD),用于存储操作系统和应用程序。
  4. 扩展性: 提供多种扩展槽和接口,如PCIe、USB、以太网接口等,便于与其他设备和模块连接。
  5. 网络连接: 配备高速以太网接口,支持高带宽数据传输,适合数据密集型应用。
  6. 散热设计: 优化的散热解决方案,确保在高负荷工作情况下保持稳定运行。
  7. 工业级设计: 设计用于恶劣环境条件,具备抗震动和抗冲击能力。


  • 通信基础设施: 用于网络交换机、路由器和其他通信设备中。
  • 工业控制: 适用于工业自动化和控制系统。
  • 嵌入式系统: 在嵌入式应用中提供计算和数据处理能力。
  • 高性能计算: 用于需要高计算能力的应用,如数据处理和分析。


  • 处理器: Intel Xeon 或者其他高性能处理器
  • 内存: 高达32GB或更高的DDR4 RAM
  • 存储: 支持多种存储选项,包括SATA和NVMe
  • 接口: 多个PCIe槽,USB接口,以太网接口等
  • 操作系统支持: 支持多种操作系统,包括Linux、Windows等

Radisys EM2G03-0-0单板计算机 实物图片:


english introduction:

Radisys EM2G03-0-0 is a high-performance single board computer (SBC) commonly used in industrial and communication fields. Here are some main features and specifications:

main features 

Processor: Typically equipped with high-performance processors, such as Intel's x86 architecture processors, providing powerful computing power.

Memory: Supports high-capacity memory options to meet various application needs.

Storage: Built in storage options, typically including flash memory and/or solid-state drives (SSDs), used to store operating systems and applications.

Scalability: Provides multiple expansion slots and interfaces, such as PCIe, USB, Ethernet interfaces, etc., for easy connection with other devices and modules.

Network connection: Equipped with high-speed Ethernet interface, supporting high bandwidth data transmission, suitable for data intensive applications.

Heat dissipation design: Optimized heat dissipation solution to ensure stable operation under high load working conditions.

Industrial grade design: designed for harsh environmental conditions, with anti vibration and anti impact capabilities.

application area 

Communication infrastructure: used in network switches, routers, and other communication devices.

Industrial Control: Suitable for industrial automation and control systems.

Embedded system: Provides computing and data processing capabilities in embedded applications.

High performance computing: used for applications that require high computing power, such as data processing and analysis.

Technical specifications (may vary depending on the model)

Processor: Intel Xeon or other high-performance processors

Memory: up to 32GB or higher DDR4 RAM

Storage: Supports multiple storage options, including SATA and NVMe

Interface: Multiple PCIe slots, USB interface, Ethernet interface, etc

Operating System Support: Supports multiple operating systems, including Linux, Windows, etc

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 61-0476-20 印刷电路板


PMA43J-1050B-08AMAT 0100-00035PFTL101A-1.0KN 3BSE004166R1
PMA42P-10100-00AMAT 0100-09108PFTL101A-2.0KN 3BSE004172R1 2.0KN 
PMA43N-Y0100-02AMAT 0100-20097PFTL101AE
PMA57R-01100-00AMAT 0100-77034PFTL101AE-0.5 3BSE004211R1 0.5 
PMA67S-11100-00AMAT 0100-A2523PFTL101AE-1.0KN 3BSE004212R1 1.0KN 
PMA54Q-10100-00Amat 0100-35060PFTL101AE-2.0KN 3BSE004213R1 2.0KN 
PMA54Q-00100-00Amat 0100-09320PFTL101AER
PMA65S-10100-00AMAT 0100-01222PFTL101AER-0.5KN 3BSE023010R1


+86 15270269218