

+86 15270269218

RADISYS EPC-3200单板计算机

  • RADISYS EPC-3200单板计算机
  • RADISYS EPC-3200单板计算机
  • RADISYS EPC-3200单板计算机

RADISYS EPC-3200单板计算机  是一款高性能单板计算机(SBC),设计用于各种工业和网络应用。

RADISYS EPC-3200单板计算机块  详情介绍: 

Radisys EPC-3200 是一款高性能单板计算机(SBC),设计用于各种工业和网络应用。以下是该单板计算机的一些主要特点和技术规格:


  1. 处理器:

    • 通常配备高性能的Intel处理器,如Xeon或Core系列,以提供强大的计算能力。
    • 支持多核心处理器,适合多任务和高负载应用。
  2. 内存:

    • 支持大容量的DDR4 RAM,通常为8GB或更高,以满足高性能计算需求。
    • 支持ECC(错误校正码)内存选项,提高数据的可靠性和稳定性。
  3. 存储:

    • 提供多种存储选项,包括SATA接口和NVMe接口,支持固态硬盘(SSD)和其他高速度存储设备。
    • 可选的内置闪存,用于存储操作系统和关键数据。
  4. 接口:

    • 以太网: 配备多个千兆以太网接口,用于高速网络连接和数据传输。
    • USB接口: 支持多个USB接口,用于连接外部设备。
    • PCIe槽: 提供多个PCIe扩展槽,用于添加额外的网络卡、存储控制器等。
    • 串口: 通常配备多个串口(RS-232/RS-485)用于工业设备连接。
    • 显示接口: 支持VGA、DVI或HDMI接口,具体取决于型号,用于显示输出。
  5. 扩展性:

    • 支持多种扩展选项,包括PCIe、Mini PCIe等,方便集成其他模块和扩展功能。
  6. 工业级设计:

    • 设计用于恶劣环境,具有较强的抗震动、抗冲击和耐高温能力。
    • 支持长时间稳定运行,适合工业控制和通信设备的应用。


  • 网络设备: 适用于高性能路由器、交换机等网络设备中。
  • 工业控制: 用于工业自动化系统、数据采集和处理。
  • 嵌入式系统: 作为嵌入式应用的核心计算模块,提供高效的计算和数据处理能力。
  • 高性能计算: 适用于需要高计算能力的应用,如数据分析和实时处理。

RADISYS EPC-3200单板计算机 实物图片:


english introduction:

Radisys EPC-3200 is a high-performance single board computer (SBC) designed for various industrial and networking applications. Here are some of the main features and technical specifications of this single board computer:

main features 


Usually equipped with high-performance Intel processors such as Xeon or Core series to provide powerful computing power.

Supports multi-core processors, suitable for multitasking and high load applications.


Supports high-capacity DDR4 RAM, typically 8GB or higher, to meet high-performance computing requirements.

Support ECC (Error Correction Code) memory options to improve data reliability and stability.


Provides multiple storage options, including SATA and NVMe interfaces, supporting solid-state drives (SSDs) and other high-speed storage devices.

Optional built-in flash memory for storing operating systems and critical data.


Ethernet: Equipped with multiple Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for high-speed network connections and data transmission.

USB interface: Supports multiple USB interfaces for connecting external devices.

PCIe Slot: Provides multiple PCIe expansion slots for adding additional network cards, storage controllers, etc.

Serial port: Usually equipped with multiple serial ports (RS-232/RS-485) for industrial equipment connection.

Display interface: Supports VGA, DVI, or HDMI interfaces, depending on the model, for display output.


Supports multiple expansion options, including PCIe, Mini PCIe, etc., making it easy to integrate other modules and expand functionality.

Industrial grade design:

Designed for harsh environments, it has strong resistance to vibration, impact, and high temperatures.

Supports long-term stable operation, suitable for applications in industrial control and communication equipment.

application area 

Network equipment: suitable for high-performance routers, switches, and other network devices.

Industrial control: used for industrial automation systems, data acquisition and processing.

Embedded system: As the core computing module of embedded applications, it provides efficient computing and data processing capabilities.

High performance computing: suitable for applications that require high computing power, such as data analysis and real-time processing.

RADISYS EPC-3200单板计算机 相关产品:

 DAPC100 Stator pressure control panel

 DATX130 Rotor feedback plate

 DDC779BE02 Distributed module


 067-02121-0005 中央控制器模块


PMA55R-10100-00AMAT 0100-02706PFTL101AER-2.0KN 3BSE023012R1 2.0KN 
PMA54R-10100-00AMAT 0100-01135PFTL101B
PMA57S-11100-00AMAT 0100-09020PFTL-101B 5KN 3BSE00418SR1
PMA67S-10100-00AMAT 0100-01132PFTL101B-10KN 3BSE004197R1
PMA57R-10100-00AMAT 0100-90221PFTL101B-2.0KN 3BSE004185R1 2.0KN 
PMA54R-00100-00AMAT 0100-09041PFTL101B-2.0KN 3BSE004191R1
PMA65R-11100-00AMAT 0100-76267PFTL101B 50KN
PMA54Q-11100-00Amat 0100-03499PFTL101BE


+86 15270269218