

+86 15270269218

RADISYS 61-0237-04编码器板

  • RADISYS 61-0237-04编码器板
  • RADISYS 61-0237-04编码器板

RADISYS 61-0237-04编码器板  是一款编码器板模块,通常用于工业和嵌入式系统中,以实现高精度的位置和速度检测。

RADISYS 61-0237-04编码器板  详情介绍: 

Radisys 61-0237-04 是一款编码器板模块,通常用于工业和嵌入式系统中,以实现高精度的位置和速度检测。以下是该编码器板的一些主要特点和技术规格:


  1. 编码器功能:

    • 位置检测: 用于高精度的位置测量和反馈,适合各种运动控制应用。
    • 速度测量: 支持高速旋转或线性运动的速度测量,提供实时数据。
  2. 接口:

    • 输入接口: 支持与各种类型的编码器连接,通常包括增量型和绝对型编码器。
    • 输出接口: 提供数字或模拟信号输出,用于与控制系统或其他设备连接。
  3. 工业级设计:

    • 耐用性: 设计用于工业环境,具备较强的抗震动、抗冲击能力。
    • 稳定性: 高可靠性和稳定性,适用于长时间运行和高负载条件下。
  4. 精度和分辨率:

    • 高分辨率: 提供高分辨率的测量功能,确保精确的位置和速度反馈。
    • 高精度: 具备精确的信号处理能力,适合要求严格的控制应用。


  • 接口类型:

    • 编码器输入: 支持多种编码器类型的输入,通常为增量型或绝对型编码器。
    • 输出接口: 提供数字输出或模拟信号输出,支持与其他系统的连接。
  • 信号处理:

    • 信号分辨率: 高达几千脉冲每转(PPR),具体取决于型号。
    • 精度: 提供高精度的位置和速度测量,确保控制系统的响应精度。
  • 电源要求:

    • 电源电压: 支持标准的工业电源电压,具体电压范围可能因型号不同而有所变化。
  • 尺寸和安装:

    • 尺寸: 通常为标准化的模块尺寸,适合安装在工业控制系统中。
    • 安装方式: 可以通过标准的安装孔和固定装置进行安装。

RADISYS 61-0237-04编码器板 实物图片:


english introduction:

Radisys 61-0237-04 is an encoder board module commonly used in industrial and embedded systems to achieve high-precision position and velocity detection. Here are some of the main features and technical specifications of the encoder board:

main features 

Encoder function:

Position detection: used for high-precision position measurement and feedback, suitable for various motion control applications.

Speed measurement: Supports high-speed rotation or linear motion speed measurement, providing real-time data.


Input interface: Supports connection with various types of encoders, typically including incremental and absolute encoders.

Output interface: Provides digital or analog signal output for connecting with control systems or other devices.

Industrial grade design:

Durability: Designed for industrial environments, it has strong resistance to vibration and impact.

Stability: High reliability and stability, suitable for long-term operation and high load conditions.

Accuracy and Resolution:

High resolution: Provides high-resolution measurement capabilities to ensure accurate position and velocity feedback.

High precision: With precise signal processing capabilities, it is suitable for applications that require strict control.

Technical specifications (may vary due to actual model)

Interface type:

Encoder Input: Supports multiple types of encoder inputs, typically incremental or absolute encoders.

Output interface: Provides digital output or analog signal output, supports connection with other systems.

Signal processing:

Signal resolution: up to several thousand pulses per revolution (PPR), depending on the model.

Accuracy: Provides high-precision position and velocity measurements to ensure the response accuracy of the control system.

Power requirements:

Power supply voltage: Supports standard industrial power supply voltage, the specific voltage range may vary depending on the model.

Size and installation:

Size: Typically standardized module size, suitable for installation in industrial control systems.

Installation method: It can be installed through standard mounting holes and fixing devices.

RADISYS 61-0237-04编码器板 相关产品:

 AI815 3BSE052604R1 Analog input module

 AIM0006 digital module

 CI543 3BSE010699R1 Communication interface module


 002-1-23158-10 印刷电路板


PMB33E-20216-02AMAT 0100-03776PFTL301E
PMB31D-20101-02AMAT 0100-00244PFTL301E 3BSE019050R0500
PMB33E-10201-01AMAT 0100-00132PFVA401
PMB33C-00100-01AMAT 0100-1401PFVL141C
PMB31D-10100-01AMAT 0100-00853PFVL141R
PMB31B-20114-02AMAT 0100-14010PFVL141V


+86 15270269218