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RadiSys 10-0424-00视频卡控制板

  • RadiSys 10-0424-00视频卡控制板
  • RadiSys 10-0424-00视频卡控制板

RadiSys 10-0424-00视频卡控制板 是一种用于视频信号处理和管理的工业级控制板,通常应用于视频监控、图像处理、以及多媒体系统中。

RadiSys 10-0424-00视频卡控制板 详情介绍: 

Radisys 10-0424-00 视频卡控制板是一种用于视频信号处理和管理的工业级控制板,通常应用于视频监控、图像处理、以及多媒体系统中。以下是该视频卡控制板的一些主要特点和技术规格:


  1. 视频信号处理:

    • 多种视频格式支持: 支持多种视频输入和输出格式,如NTSC、PAL、HDMI等,能够处理不同类型的视频信号。
    • 高性能视频处理: 配备了高性能的视频处理芯片,能够实时处理高分辨率视频,适用于复杂的视频应用。
  2. 多通道视频输入/输出:

    • 视频输入接口: 配备多个视频输入接口,可同时接收来自多个视频源的信号。
    • 视频输出接口: 提供多个视频输出接口,用于输出处理后的视频信号至显示设备或存储设备。
  3. 图像处理功能:

    • 图像增强: 支持图像增强功能,如去噪、对比度调整、色彩校正等,提高视频质量。
    • 多屏显示: 支持多屏幕显示功能,能够在多个显示设备上同时输出视频内容。
  4. 兼容性和扩展性:

    • 多种接口支持: 支持HDMI、VGA、BNC等多种视频接口,方便与各种显示设备连接。
    • 扩展能力: 具备扩展接口,支持额外模块的添加,以增强功能或增加连接选项。
  5. 工业级设计:

    • 耐用性: 采用高耐用性设计,能够在工业环境下稳定运行,包括耐高温、抗震等特性。
    • 散热系统: 集成了有效的散热系统,确保在高负载条件下也能稳定运行。


  • 视频处理器:

    • 类型: 高性能视频处理芯片,支持多种视频处理任务。
    • 支持分辨率: 支持高清(HD)、全高清(FHD)以及其他常见分辨率的视频信号处理。
  • 视频接口:

    • 输入接口: 多个视频输入端口,如BNC、HDMI、VGA等,用于接收多路视频信号。
    • 输出接口: 多个视频输出端口,如HDMI、VGA、DVI等,支持连接显示器、投影仪等设备。
  • 图像处理功能:

    • 图像增强: 包含图像去噪、锐化、色彩调整等功能,提高图像显示效果。
    • 多屏显示: 支持同时输出多路视频信号至多个显示设备。
  • 接口和扩展性:

    • 扩展插槽: 提供PCI或PCIe扩展槽,允许添加更多功能模块。
    • 网络接口: 可能配备以太网接口,用于网络传输视频数据。
  • 电源要求:

    • 电源输入: 适应标准工业电源电压,具体电源要求视模块设计而定。
  • 环境要求:

    • 工作温度: 设计用于宽温度范围内的操作,适应工业环境中的温度变化。
    • 抗干扰: 具备良好的电磁兼容性,适应复杂的工业电磁环境。

RadiSys 10-0424-00视频卡控制板 实物图片:


english introduction:

The Radisys 10-0424-00 video card control board is an industrial grade control board used for video signal processing and management, typically applied in video surveillance, image processing, and multimedia systems. Here are some of the main features and technical specifications of the video card control board:

main features 

Video signal processing:

Multiple video format support: Supports multiple video input and output formats, such as NTSC, PAL, HDMI, etc., capable of processing different types of video signals.

High performance video processing: Equipped with high-performance video processing chips, it can process high-resolution videos in real-time and is suitable for complex video applications.

Multi channel video input/output:

Video input interface: Equipped with multiple video input interfaces, it can simultaneously receive signals from multiple video sources.

Video output interface: Provides multiple video output interfaces for outputting processed video signals to display devices or storage devices.

Image processing function:

Image enhancement: Supports image enhancement functions such as denoising, contrast adjustment, color correction, etc., to improve video quality.

Multi screen display: Supports multi screen display function, capable of simultaneously outputting video content on multiple display devices.

Compatibility and Scalability:

Multiple interface support: Supports multiple video interfaces such as HDMI, VGA, BNC, etc., making it easy to connect with various display devices.

Scalability: Equipped with expansion interfaces, supporting the addition of additional modules to enhance functionality or add connection options.

Industrial grade design:

Durability: Designed with high durability, it can operate stably in industrial environments, including high temperature resistance, earthquake resistance, and other characteristics.

Cooling system: Integrated with an effective cooling system to ensure stable operation even under high load conditions.

technical specifications

Video Processor:

Type: High performance video processing chip, supporting multiple video processing tasks.

Resolution support: Supports video signal processing for High Definition (HD), Full HD (FHD), and other common resolutions.

Video interface:

Input interface: Multiple video input ports, such as BNC, HDMI, VGA, etc., used to receive multiple video signals.

Output interface: Multiple video output ports, such as HDMI, VGA, DVI, etc., supporting connection to devices such as monitors and projectors.

Image processing function:

Image enhancement: includes functions such as image denoising, sharpening, color adjustment, etc., to improve the display effect of the image.

Multi screen display: supports simultaneous output of multiple video signals to multiple display devices.

Interface and Scalability:

Expansion slot: Provides PCI or PCIe expansion slots, allowing for the addition of more functional modules.

Network interface: Ethernet interface may be equipped for network transmission of video data.

Power requirements:

Power input: Suitable for standard industrial power supply voltage, specific power requirements depend on module design.

Environmental requirements:

Working temperature: designed for operation within a wide temperature range, adapting to temperature changes in industrial environments.

Anti interference: Has good electromagnetic compatibility and adapts to complex industrial electromagnetic environments.

RadiSys 10-0424-00视频卡控制板 相关产品:

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 D20 EME 10BASE-T digital quantity control module

 D20 MIC 10BASE-T SCR module




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+86 15270269218