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RADISYS 50416900610以太网交换机

  • RADISYS 50416900610以太网交换机
  • RADISYS 50416900610以太网交换机
  • RADISYS 50416900610以太网交换机

RADISYS 50416900610以太网交换机 是一个以太网交换机,用于在网络中进行数据流量的管理和交换。

RADISYS 50416900610以太网交换机 详情介绍: 

Radisys 50416900610 是一款以太网交换机。以下是其主要特点和功能:

  1. 产品类型: 这款设备是一个以太网交换机,用于在网络中进行数据流量的管理和交换。

  2. 端口配置: 通常,这类交换机支持多个以太网端口,这些端口可以支持不同的网络速度,如10/100/1000 Mbps(千兆以太网)等。具体的端口数量和类型取决于设备的实际规格。

  3. 交换能力: 以太网交换机的核心功能是数据包的交换和转发。它们使用MAC地址表来决定将数据包转发到哪个端口,从而优化网络性能和减少网络冲突。

  4. 性能指标: 交换机的性能指标包括吞吐量、交换速率和延迟。高性能交换机可以处理大量的数据包,并在较短的时间内完成数据转发。

  5. 管理功能: 高端以太网交换机通常提供管理功能,如VLAN(虚拟局域网)支持、网络流量监控、链路聚合(LACP)等。这些功能可以帮助管理员优化网络配置和提升网络安全性。

  6. 应用场景: 这种交换机通常用于数据中心、企业网络和通信基础设施中,用于实现网络的连接和管理。

RADISYS 50416900610以太网交换机 实物图片:


english introduction:

Radisys 50416900610 is an Ethernet switch. The following are its main features and functions:

Product type: This device is an Ethernet switch used for managing and exchanging data traffic in a network.

Port configuration: Typically, this type of switch supports multiple Ethernet ports, which can support different network speeds such as 10/100/1000 Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet). The specific number and type of ports depend on the actual specifications of the device.

Switching capability: The core function of Ethernet switches is packet switching and forwarding. They use MAC address tables to determine which port to forward packets to, thereby optimizing network performance and reducing network conflicts.

Performance indicators: The performance indicators of the switch include throughput, switching rate, and latency. High performance switches can handle large amounts of data packets and complete data forwarding in a short amount of time.

Management functions: High end Ethernet switches typically provide management functions such as VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) support, network traffic monitoring, Link Aggregation (LACP), etc. These features can help administrators optimize network configuration and enhance network security.

Application scenario: This type of switch is commonly used in data centers, enterprise networks, and communication infrastructure to achieve network connectivity and management.

RADISYS 50416900610以太网交换机 相关产品:

216AB61 HESG324013R101 Digital control module

216EA61B HESG448230R1/G  digital input module

 UNIROL1010 3BHE035301R0001 Excitation controller


 EXM-15A 控制板


PMA43J-1050B-08AMAT 0100-00035PFTL101A-1.0KN 3BSE004166R1
PMA42P-10100-00AMAT 0100-09108PFTL101A-2.0KN 3BSE004172R1 2.0KN 
PMA43N-Y0100-02AMAT 0100-20097PFTL101AE
PMA57R-01100-00AMAT 0100-77034PFTL101AE-0.5 3BSE004211R1 0.5 
PMA67S-11100-00AMAT 0100-A2523PFTL101AE-1.0KN 3BSE004212R1 1.0KN 
PMA54Q-10100-00Amat 0100-35060PFTL101AE-2.0KN 3BSE004213R1 2.0KN 
PMA54Q-00100-00Amat 0100-09320PFTL101AER


+86 15270269218