

+86 15270269218

RADISYS 61-0158-04 CPU控制卡

  • RADISYS 61-0158-04  CPU控制卡
  • RADISYS 61-0158-04  CPU控制卡
  • RADISYS 61-0158-04  CPU控制卡
  • RADISYS 61-0158-04  CPU控制卡

RADISYS 61-0158-04  CPU控制卡 是一款 CPU 控制卡,设计用于工业和通信系统中的高性能计算和控制应用。

RADISYS 61-0158-04  CPU控制卡 详情介绍: 

Radisys 61-0158-04 是一款 CPU 控制卡,设计用于工业和通信系统中的高性能计算和控制应用。以下是该控制卡的主要特性和应用领域:


  1. 处理器:

    • 集成 CPU: 配备高性能的中央处理器(CPU),用于执行计算任务和控制操作。具体处理器型号和规格取决于该控制卡的设计和配置。
  2. 内存:

    • 内存容量: 提供足够的内存(RAM)以支持系统操作和数据处理。内存的类型和容量可能根据应用需求进行配置。
  3. 存储接口:

    • 存储支持: 可能提供接口用于连接固态硬盘(SSD)或其他存储介质,以存储操作系统、应用程序和数据。
  4. 输入/输出接口:

    • 标准接口: 配备多种输入/输出接口,如USB端口、串行端口、以太网接口等,用于连接外部设备和系统。
    • 扩展槽: 可能包括用于扩展功能的插槽,支持附加模块和扩展卡。
  5. 网络连接:

    • 以太网接口: 提供高速的网络连接,支持数据通信和网络管理。
  6. 控制功能:

    • 系统控制: 负责控制系统的主要计算和处理功能,包括数据处理、任务调度和系统管理。
  7. 尺寸和布局:

    • 模块化设计: 设计为模块化形式,适合集成到各种系统和设备中,支持紧凑的系统布局。
  8. 操作系统支持:

    • 兼容性: 支持多种操作系统,如Linux、Windows等,具体支持的操作系统取决于控制卡的设计和配置。

RADISYS 61-0158-04  CPU控制卡  实物图片:


english introduction:

Radisys 61-0158-04 is a CPU control card designed for high-performance computing and control applications in industrial and communication systems. The following are the main features and application areas of the control card:

Main characteristics


Integrated CPU: Equipped with a high-performance central processing unit (CPU) for executing computing tasks and control operations. The specific processor model and specifications depend on the design and configuration of the control card.


Memory capacity: Provide sufficient memory (RAM) to support system operations and data processing. The type and capacity of memory may be configured according to application requirements.

Storage interface:

Storage support: It may provide interfaces for connecting solid-state drives (SSDs) or other storage media to store operating systems, applications, and data.

Input/output interface:

Standard Interface: Equipped with multiple input/output interfaces, such as USB ports, serial ports, Ethernet interfaces, etc., for connecting external devices and systems.

Expansion slot: may include slots for expanding functionality, supporting additional modules and expansion cards.

Network connection:

Ethernet interface: Provides high-speed network connection, supports data communication and network management.

Control function:

System Control: Responsible for controlling the main computing and processing functions of the system, including data processing, task scheduling, and system management.

Size and layout:

Modular design: Designed in a modular form, suitable for integration into various systems and devices, supporting compact system layouts.

Operating system support:

Compatibility: Supports multiple operating systems, such as Linux, Windows, etc. The specific supported operating systems depend on the design and configuration of the control card.

RADISYS 61-0158-04  CPU控制卡 相关产品:

 350-027750-746001P control pulse card

 531X121PCRALG1 Output module

 D20 EME 10BASE-T digital quantity control module




PMB22B-10100-00AMAT  0100-09131PFCL301E 0.5KN 3BSE016580R500
PMB33E-10114-02AMAT 0100-09084PFCL301E 1.0KN 3BSE016580R1000
PMB33C-20216-00AMAT 0100-00056PFTL301E 0.1KN 3BSE019050R100
PMB31B-10200-02AMAT 0100-03133PFTL301E 0.2KN 3BSE019050R200
PMB33F-00201-01AMAT 0100-20191PFTL301E 0.5KN 3BSE019050R500
PMB33E-20101-00AMAT 0100-76269PFTL301E 1.0KN 3BSE019050R1000
PMB31D-20100-02AMAT 0100-71229PFTL101A 0.5KN 3BSE004160R1


+86 15270269218