

+86 15270269218

RADISYS 61-0159-02电路板

  • RADISYS 61-0159-02电路板
  • RADISYS 61-0159-02电路板

RADISYS 61-0159-02电路板  是一种工业级电路板,通常用于高性能计算、通信基础设施和嵌入式系统等应用中。

RADISYS 61-0159-02电路板  详情介绍: 

Radisys 61-0159-02 电路板是一种工业级电路板,通常用于高性能计算、通信基础设施和嵌入式系统等应用中。该电路板可能包含多个关键组件,如处理器、存储器、接口和电源管理单元,以支持复杂的系统操作。


  1. 处理器:

    • 高效处理单元: 配备处理器(具体型号可能因不同版本而异),用于执行各种计算任务和控制操作。
  2. 内存:

    • 内存配置: 通常包括板载内存,用于数据存储和快速访问。内存的容量和类型(如DDR3、DDR4)根据电路板的设计需求而定。
  3. 接口:

    • 多种输入/输出接口: 提供多种I/O接口,包括USB、以太网、串行端口等,便于与外部设备和系统进行通信和控制。
  4. 电源管理:

    • 稳压模块: 集成电源管理和稳压模块,确保电路板在各种操作条件下的稳定性和可靠性。
  5. 扩展插槽:

    • PCIe插槽或其他扩展插槽: 支持通过插槽扩展功能模块,以满足特定应用需求。
  6. 存储支持:

    • 闪存或其他存储设备: 可能包含用于存储固件、操作系统或应用程序的非易失性存储器。
  7. 耐用性:

    • 工业级设计: 采用坚固的设计和优质材料,适用于苛刻的工业环境,具备抗干扰能力和长寿命特性。

RADISYS 61-0159-02电路板   实物图片:


english introduction:

Radisys 61-0159-02 circuit board is an industrial grade circuit board commonly used in applications such as high-performance computing, communication infrastructure, and embedded systems. The circuit board may contain multiple key components such as processors, memory, interfaces, and power management units to support complex system operations.

Main characteristics


Efficient processing unit: equipped with a processor (specific model may vary depending on different versions), used to perform various computing tasks and control operations.


Memory configuration: typically includes onboard memory for data storage and fast access. The capacity and type of memory (such as DDR3, DDR4) depend on the design requirements of the circuit board.


Multiple input/output interfaces: Provides multiple I/O interfaces, including USB, Ethernet, serial ports, etc., for easy communication and control with external devices and systems.

Power management:

Voltage stabilization module: integrates power management and voltage stabilization modules to ensure the stability and reliability of the circuit board under various operating conditions.

Expansion slot:

PCIe slot or other expansion slot: Supports the expansion of functional modules through the slot to meet specific application requirements.

Storage support:

Flash memory or other storage devices: may contain non-volatile memory used to store firmware, operating systems, or applications.


Industrial grade design: using sturdy design and high-quality materials, suitable for harsh industrial environments, with anti-interference ability and long lifespan characteristics.

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 002-1-23158-10 印刷电路板


PMB31D-20216-00AMAT 0240-31854PFTL101AE 1.0KN 3BSE004212R1
PMB33E-10100-00AMAT 0100-09118PFTL101AE 2.0KN 3BSE004213R1
PMB33E-00201-01AMAT 0100-01352PFTL101AER 0.5KN 3BSE023010R1
PMB31B-00216-03AMAT 0100-35346PFTL101AER 1.0KN 3BSE023011R1
PMB31B-10100-03AMAT 0100-71304PFTL101AER 2.0KN 3BSE023012R1
PMB31B-10214-02AMAT 0100-00013PFTL101B 2.0KN 3BSE004185R1
PMB31D-00116-00AMAT 0100-09028PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1
PMB31D-10201-01AMAT 0130-20335PFTL101B 10.0KN 3BSE004197R1
PMB31D-10216-03AMAT 0100-20062PFTL101B 20.0KN 3BSE004203R1


+86 15270269218