

+86 15270269218

Radisys EPC-3307处理器板

  • Radisys EPC-3307处理器板
  • Radisys EPC-3307处理器板

Radisys EPC-3307处理器板  是一款高性能嵌入式处理器板,设计用于通信、工业自动化、数据处理等多种应用场景。

Radisys EPC-3307处理器板  详情介绍: 

Radisys EPC-3307 处理器板是一款高性能嵌入式处理器板,设计用于通信、工业自动化、数据处理等多种应用场景。它集成了强大的计算能力和丰富的接口,适合需要高性能和可靠性的嵌入式系统。


  1. 处理器:

    • 高性能 CPU: 搭载强大的中央处理器(具体型号可能因版本不同),用于执行复杂的计算任务和实时数据处理。
  2. 内存:

    • 大容量内存: 配备高容量的系统内存(如DDR3或DDR4),支持多任务处理和大数据量的快速存取。
  3. 存储支持:

    • 闪存或固态存储: 集成闪存或支持连接固态硬盘(SSD),用于存储操作系统、应用程序和数据。
    • 扩展存储: 可能支持外部存储设备的连接,以便扩展存储容量。
  4. 接口与扩展:

    • 多种 I/O 接口: 提供丰富的输入/输出接口,如USB、以太网、串口、SATA等,便于外部设备和系统集成。
    • PCIe 扩展插槽: 支持通过PCIe插槽连接额外的扩展卡,以增强系统功能。
  5. 网络功能:

    • 高速以太网接口: 配备多个千兆或更高速的以太网接口,支持高速网络通信和数据传输。
    • 网络冗余: 支持网络冗余配置,确保通信的可靠性。
  6. 图形处理:

    • 集成图形控制器: 可能包含集成的图形处理单元(GPU),支持图形显示和处理任务。
  7. 操作系统支持:

    • 多操作系统兼容: 兼容多种主流操作系统,如Linux、Windows Embedded等,支持广泛的软件生态系统。
  8. 工业级设计:

    • 高耐用性: 设计符合工业级标准,具备较高的抗振动、抗冲击能力,适应恶劣的工作环境。
    • 宽温度范围: 支持在宽温度范围内工作,适用于极端温度条件下的应用。

Radisys EPC-3307处理器板   实物图片:


english introduction:

The Radisys EPC-3307 processor board is a high-performance embedded processor board designed for various application scenarios such as communication, industrial automation, and data processing. It integrates powerful computing power and rich interfaces, making it suitable for embedded systems that require high performance and reliability.

Main characteristics


High performance CPU: equipped with a powerful central processing unit (specific models may vary depending on the version), used to perform complex computing tasks and real-time data processing.


Large capacity memory: equipped with high-capacity system memory (such as DDR3 or DDR4), supporting multitasking and fast access to large amounts of data.

Storage support:

Flash memory or solid-state storage: Integrated flash memory or support for connecting solid-state drives (SSDs), used to store operating systems, applications, and data.

Extended storage: It may support the connection of external storage devices to expand storage capacity.

Interfaces and extensions:

Multiple I/O interfaces: Provides rich input/output interfaces, such as USB, Ethernet, serial port, SATA, etc., for easy integration of external devices and systems.

PCIe Expansion Slot: Supports connecting additional expansion cards through PCIe slots to enhance system functionality.

Network function:

High speed Ethernet interface: equipped with multiple gigabit or higher speed Ethernet interfaces, supporting high-speed network communication and data transmission.

Network redundancy: Supports network redundancy configuration to ensure communication reliability.

Graphic processing:

Integrated graphics controller: may include an integrated graphics processing unit (GPU) that supports graphics display and processing tasks.

Operating system support:

Multi operating system compatibility: Compatible with multiple mainstream operating systems such as Linux, Windows Embedded, etc., supporting a wide range of software ecosystems.

Industrial grade design:

High durability: Designed to meet industrial standards, it has high resistance to vibration and impact, and can adapt to harsh working environments.

Wide temperature range: Supports operation within a wide temperature range, suitable for applications under extreme temperature conditions.

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 002-1-23158-10 印刷电路板


PMB31D-20216-00AMAT 0240-31854PFTL101AE 1.0KN 3BSE004212R1
PMB33E-10100-00AMAT 0100-09118PFTL101AE 2.0KN 3BSE004213R1
PMB33E-00201-01AMAT 0100-01352PFTL101AER 0.5KN 3BSE023010R1
PMB31B-00216-03AMAT 0100-35346PFTL101AER 1.0KN 3BSE023011R1
PMB31B-10100-03AMAT 0100-71304PFTL101AER 2.0KN 3BSE023012R1
PMB31B-10214-02AMAT 0100-00013PFTL101B 2.0KN 3BSE004185R1
PMB31D-00116-00AMAT 0100-09028PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1
PMB31D-10201-01AMAT 0130-20335PFTL101B 10.0KN 3BSE004197R1
PMB31D-10216-03AMAT 0100-20062PFTL101B 20.0KN 3BSE004203R1


+86 15270269218