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Agilent HP-5517B激光干涉仪

  • Agilent HP-5517B激光干涉仪
  • Agilent HP-5517B激光干涉仪
  • Agilent HP-5517B激光干涉仪

Agilent HP-5517B激光干涉仪  是一款高精度激光干涉仪,广泛用于精密测量和定位系统中。

Agilent HP-5517B激光干涉仪  详情介绍: 

Agilent HP-5517B是一款高精度激光干涉仪,广泛用于精密测量和定位系统中。该激光干涉仪主要用于工业计量、半导体制造、光学测试和其他需要高精度测量的应用领域。


  1. 高精度测量

    • HP-5517B激光干涉仪提供亚纳米级别的精度,适用于对微小位移和变化进行精确测量的场合。
  2. 稳定的激光光源

    • 该干涉仪使用稳定的氦氖(He-Ne)激光器,具有非常低的频率漂移,确保长时间运行时的测量精度和稳定性。
  3. 多轴测量能力

    • 支持多轴测量,可以同时对多个维度进行测量,非常适合复杂的工业应用,如精密机械加工和半导体设备中的多轴定位系统。
  4. 实时反馈

    • HP-5517B能够实时提供测量数据,便于精确控制和快速调整,尤其在动态系统中表现出色。
  5. 兼容性

    • 该型号与其他Agilent/HP激光干涉仪系统兼容,易于集成到现有的测量和控制系统中,具有良好的扩展性。
  6. 耐用性

    • 设计坚固,能够在工业环境中长期可靠运行,适应各种复杂的应用场景。


  • 半导体制造:用于晶圆制造设备中的高精度对位和测量。
  • 精密机械加工:在CNC机床和精密加工设备中,用于位置反馈和校准。
  • 光学元件测试:用于光学系统中,测试和校准镜头、透镜等光学元件。
  • 计量学研究:在需要极高精度的计量学实验中使用。

Agilent HP-5517B激光干涉仪  实物图片:


english introduction:

Agilent HP-5517B is a high-precision laser interferometer widely used in precision measurement and positioning systems. This laser interferometer is mainly used in industrial metrology, semiconductor manufacturing, optical testing, and other application fields that require high-precision measurement.

Main features:

High precision measurement:

The HP-5517B laser interferometer provides sub nanometer level accuracy, suitable for precise measurement of small displacements and changes.

Stable laser light source:

This interferometer uses a stable He Ne laser with very low frequency drift, ensuring measurement accuracy and stability during long-term operation.

Multi axis measurement capability:

Supporting multi axis measurement, it can simultaneously measure multiple dimensions, making it very suitable for complex industrial applications such as precision machining and multi axis positioning systems in semiconductor equipment.

Real time feedback:

HP-5517B can provide real-time measurement data for precise control and quick adjustment, especially in dynamic systems.


This model is compatible with other Agilent/HP laser interferometer systems, easy to integrate into existing measurement and control systems, and has good scalability.


Designed to be sturdy, capable of long-term reliable operation in industrial environments, and adaptable to various complex application scenarios.

Application areas:

Semiconductor manufacturing: used for high-precision alignment and measurement in wafer manufacturing equipment.

Precision machining: Used for position feedback and calibration in CNC machine tools and precision machining equipment.

Optical component testing: used in optical systems to test and calibrate optical components such as lenses and lenses.

Metrological research: used in metrological experiments that require extremely high precision.

Agilent HP-5517B激光干涉仪  相关产品:

 UNIROL1010 3BHE035301R0001 Excitation controller

 129740-002 Intellint module

 133AAAA Integrated protector


 EXM-15A 控制板


PMA67S-11100-00AMAT 0100-A2523PFTL101AE-1.0KN 3BSE004212R1 1.0KN 
PMA54Q-10100-00Amat 0100-35060PFTL101AE-2.0KN 3BSE004213R1 2.0KN 
PMA54Q-00100-00Amat 0100-09320PFTL101AER
PMA65S-10100-00AMAT 0100-01222PFTL101AER-0.5KN 3BSE023010R1
PMA45R-11100-02AMAT 0100-20054PFTL101AER-1.0KN 3BSE023011R1 1.0KN 
PMA55R-10100-00AMAT 0100-02706PFTL101AER-2.0KN 3BSE023012R1 2.0KN 
PMA54R-10100-00AMAT 0100-01135PFTL101B


+86 15270269218