

+86 15270269218

Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G通信模块

  • Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G通信模块
  • Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G通信模块
  • Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G通信模块

Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G通信模块  是一款用于电信和数据中心环境中的高性能通信模块,通常用于路由器或交换机等网络设备中。

Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G通信模块  详情介绍: 

Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G 是一款用于电信和数据中心环境中的高性能通信模块,通常用于路由器或交换机等网络设备中。该模块专为高带宽需求和多业务应用设计,能够支持密集的数据处理和高速数据传输。


  1. 高带宽能力

    • SFM2-200G模块支持高达200 Gbps的数据传输速率,能够满足现代网络对高带宽和低延迟的需求。
  2. 多业务支持

    • 该模块能够支持多种网络服务,如数据包转发、流量工程、网络虚拟化等,适用于多业务网络环境。
  3. 高可用性和冗余设计

    • SFM2-200G采用冗余设计,确保模块在单点故障情况下仍能继续工作,提升了网络的整体可靠性。
  4. 低延迟

    • 该模块设计为提供低延迟的通信,适合需要快速响应和高性能的应用,如金融交易系统、实时视频流等。
  5. 兼容性与扩展性

    • 模块设计与Alcatel-Lucent的其他网络设备兼容,支持现有网络的扩展和升级,能够轻松集成到现有的基础设施中。
  6. 节能设计

    • SFM2-200G模块采用了先进的节能技术,降低了功耗,有助于减少数据中心的运营成本。


  • 核心网络路由:在电信运营商的核心网络中,用于高速数据传输和高密度数据处理。
  • 数据中心互联:用于数据中心之间的高速连接,支持大规模的数据传输和应用交付。
  • 企业级网络:适用于大型企业网络中的关键通信节点,支持多样化的业务需求。
  • 内容分发网络(CDN):用于内容分发网络中,提供快速的数据传输和内容交付。

Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G通信模块  实物图片:


english introduction:

Alcatel Lucent SFM2-200G is a high-performance communication module used in telecommunications and data center environments, typically in network devices such as routers or switches. This module is designed specifically for high bandwidth requirements and multi service applications, and can support intensive data processing and high-speed data transmission.

Main features:

High bandwidth capability:

The SFM2-200G module supports data transmission rates of up to 200 Gbps, meeting the modern network's demand for high bandwidth and low latency.

Multi business support:

This module can support various network services, such as packet forwarding, traffic engineering, network virtualization, etc., and is suitable for multi business network environments.

High availability and redundancy design:

The SFM2-200G adopts a redundant design to ensure that the module can continue to operate in the event of a single point of failure, thereby improving the overall reliability of the network.

Low latency:

This module is designed to provide low latency communication, suitable for applications that require fast response and high performance, such as financial trading systems, real-time video streaming, etc.

Compatibility and Scalability:

The module design is compatible with other network devices of Alcatel Lucent, supports the expansion and upgrade of existing networks, and can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure.

Energy saving design:

The SFM2-200G module adopts advanced energy-saving technology, reducing power consumption and helping to reduce the operating costs of data centers.

Application areas:

Core network routing: Used for high-speed data transmission and high-density data processing in the core network of telecommunications operators.

Data Center Interconnection: Used for high-speed connections between data centers, supporting large-scale data transmission and application delivery.

Enterprise level network: suitable for critical communication nodes in large enterprise networks, supporting diverse business needs.

Content Delivery Network (CDN): Used in content distribution networks to provide fast data transmission and content delivery.

Alcatel-Lucent SFM2-200G通信模块  相关产品:

 UNIROL1010 3BHE035301R0001 Excitation controller

 129740-002 Intellint module

 133AAAA Integrated protector


 EXM-15A 控制板


PMA67S-11100-00AMAT 0100-A2523PFTL101AE-1.0KN 3BSE004212R1 1.0KN 
PMA54Q-10100-00Amat 0100-35060PFTL101AE-2.0KN 3BSE004213R1 2.0KN 
PMA54Q-00100-00Amat 0100-09320PFTL101AER
PMA65S-10100-00AMAT 0100-01222PFTL101AER-0.5KN 3BSE023010R1
PMA45R-11100-02AMAT 0100-20054PFTL101AER-1.0KN 3BSE023011R1 1.0KN 
PMA55R-10100-00AMAT 0100-02706PFTL101AER-2.0KN 3BSE023012R1 2.0KN 
PMA54R-10100-00AMAT 0100-01135PFTL101B


+86 15270269218